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698 photos
The beast and the dragon, early 14th. The beast rises from the sea and the dragon on the right gives the beast power.
From a French Apocalypse (Book of Revelation).
ID: Roy 19.B.XV, fol. 23 (detail).

Apo 13: 1 - 4

The beast and the dragon, early 14th. The beast rises from the sea and the drago...

Alexander the Great and his knights battling dragons, early 15th. The dragons have emeralds set into their foreheads. One of the dragons seems to have been killed. From "Le Livre et la vraye hystoire du bon roy Alixandre"
ID: Roy 20 B XX fol. 73

Alexander the Great and his knights battling dragons, early 15th. The dragons ha...

Knight, Lady and Unicorn, around 1200-1259. A knight in armour attacks a unicorn with his spear as a naked woman tries to protect it from him. From a Bestiary, or moralized natural history, in Latin. The principal sources are a translation of the Greek work called Physiologu.

Knight, Lady and Unicorn, around 1200-1259. A knight in armour attacks a unicorn...

The Hebrews building cities for Pharaoh, around 1350. Illustration within a decorated border of dragons and scrolls; men are climbing up ladders and liftinh construction material to the top of a tower. From the "Barcelona Hagaddah", the story of the exodus read on Passover Eve. From northern Spain.  ID:Add 14761, fol.43 r

The Hebrews building cities for Pharaoh, around 1350. Illustration within a deco...

Combat a la barriere:A chariot drawn by a dragon.      
Meaume 490-503

Combat a la barriere:A chariot drawn by a dragon. Engraving...

Japanese festival.
#330108 2

Japanese festival.

"The Sun,the Moon and a Basilisk", around 1512. The sun, the moon and the basilisk (half eagle, half serpent,hatched from a cock's egg by a serpent), together represent Eternity. This small drawing is a fragment from a translation of the "Hieroglyphica" by Horapollo, translated by Willibald Pirkheimer, a foremost humanist and close friend of Duerer.         PD 1932-7-9-2
#330109 3

"The Sun,the Moon and a Basilisk", around 1512. The sun, the moon and the basili...

Bugaku mask of Ryo-o, the "Dragon King", 17th century. The Dragon King is a character from a Chinese story from the Northern Qi dynasty,who was so handsome he had to wear a fearsome mask so that his enemies would be terrified. The mask was used in Bugaku, a courtly ritual dance which survived in Japan since the Heian period and was popular in the Edo period.                  JA, 1978.4-21.2a

Bugaku mask of Ryo-o, the "Dragon King", 17th century. The Dragon King is a char...

Triptych by Kunisada
Minamoto Yoshitsune (Ushikawa) instructed in swordplay by
Japaqnese woodblock-print

Triptych by Kunisada Minamoto Yoshitsune (Ushikawa) instructed in swordplay by...

The Woman clothed with the Sun and the Seven-headed Dragon. The Revelation of Saint John (Apocalypse, IX. Figure). Around 1497. 
Woodcut, 394 x 283mm.

The Woman clothed with the Sun and the Seven-headed Dragon. The Revelation of Sa...

Archangel Michael fighting the Dragon. The Revelation of Saint John (Apocalypse, X. Figure). Around 1498.
Woodcut, 394 x 285mm.

Apo 12: 7 - 9

Archangel Michael fighting the Dragon. The Revelation of Saint John (Apocalypse,...

The Sea Monster and the Beast with the Lamb's Horns. The Revelation of Saint John (Apocalypse, XI. Figure). Around 1496/97. 
Woodcut, 395 x 285mm.

The Sea Monster and the Beast with the Lamb's Horns. The Revelation of Saint Joh...