The Whore of Babylon. The Revelation of Saint John (Apocalypse, XIII. Figure). A...
The Angel with the Key hurling the Dragon into the Abyss and another Angel showi...
Triumphal Arch ('Ehrenpforte') for Emperor Maximilian I. Dated 1515. Detail of 3...
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Triumphal Arch ('Ehrenpforte') for Emperor Maximilian I. Dated 1515. Detail of 3...
The Coat of Arms of Florian Waldauf (Waldauff) von Waldenstein. Illustration to...
Osakazu Byobu (Osakajo-zu byobu) - Japanese eight-panel folding screen showing t...
Osakazu Byobu (Osakajo-zu byobu) - Japanese eight-panel folding screen showing t...
Fame riding Pegasus, 1699-1702 Commissioned by K...
Mercury riding Pegasus, 1699-1702. Commissioned by L...
"Neptune resigning the Command of the Seas to Brittania",painting on the top of...
Console du Grand Salon de l'Imperatrice Josephine aux Tuileries, 1809. Bois do...
La Salle Egyptienne au Louvre avec le Grand Sphynx.