Gibier mort, fruits, fleurs et un chien - Dead game, fruits, flowers and a dog....
Alexandre au tombeau d'Achille - Alexander before Achilles' tomb. Canvas, 98 x...
La charette ou Le retour de la fenaison - The haycart, 1641. Canvas, 56 x 72 cm...
Halte de chasse (hunting picnic). 1737. Canvas, 220 x 250 cm. Inv. 6279
Supper at Emmaus (La cena en Emaús). Painting, 143 x 156 cm. Cat. No.1643. I...
Les pelerins d'Emmaus - the pilgrims of Emmaus. Detail of the dog. (40-08-05/57)...
La femme a la puce - Woman with flea. Detail of the dog. (40-08-06/24). Canvas,...
La charette ou le retour de la fenaison - The haycart, 1641. Detail of the dog....
Les enfants d'Edouard IV - The Children of Edward IV in the Tower. According to...
Le buffet, 1728. Detail of the dog. (40-11-09/60). Canvas, 194 x 129 cm INV. 3...
The preaching of Saint Gery, "the pastoral sermon", with the church of Saint Gu...
Retable du Parlement de Paris: Saint Louis, Saint John Baptist, Saint Denis, Cha...