The Wedding at Cana. Photograph after restoration. From the Benedictine Convent...
Adoration of the Magi. 10014560
Céphale et l'Aurore - Cephalus and Eos. 1764. Canvas, 142 x 117cm. Inv. 2710
Butor et perdrix gardés par un chien blanc - Bittern and partridge garded by a w...
Diane et Actéon - Diana and Actaeon. Canvas, 265 x 367cm. R.F. 1952-28
Halte de chasse (hunting picnic), 1737. Detail of 39-19-13/68. Canvas, 220 x 25...
#391917 2
Frans Meerman, greffier de la Ville de Leyde et sa famille. 1668. Wood, 53 x 4...
Le coup de soleil - the sunbeam. Canvas, 83 x 99 cm. Detail. For overall view p...
The Wedding at Cana. Photograph after restoration. From the Benedictine Convent...
The Wedding at Cana. Photograph after restoration. From the Benedictine Convent...
#391918 2
Diane chasseresse - Diana hunting. The Diana is Diane de Poitiers. The painting...
La Naissance de Louis XIII a Fontainebleau le 27 Septembre 1601. 1622-1625. Deta...