#391509 5
Les Noces de Cana - The Wedding at Cana After 1578 Canvas; 1,52 x 2,14m Inv....
Cottage Interior by Firelight 1790-1 Pencil and watercolour on paper; 254 x 33...
Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuñiga 1788 Canvas; 127 x 101 cm
Gibier et fruits, observe par un chat. Canvas, 100 x 140 cm INV 1298
Allegories of taste, hearing and touch Canvas; 176 x 264cm Cat. 1404
Jupiter, satyr and Antiope. Detail of the cat. Wood, 140 x 103 cm R.F. 1981-45...
Painters in their studio, 1638. Detail of the cat. Wood,59 x 95 cm M.I. 146 (d...
The Wedding at Cana. Detail of the cat. Photograph before restoration. From the...
Famille de paysans dans un interieur (A peasant family in a room). Oil on canvas...
La marchande de fruits et legumes - The greengrocer, 1630. Detail of the cat. C...
Le sommeil de l'enfant Jesus - The sleep of the infant Jesus, 1655. Detail of t...
La raie - the ray. Detail of the cat. Canvas, 114,5 x 146 cm INV.3197 (detail...