Gabrielle Arnault, enfant - Gabrielle Arnault as a child. (after restauration)...
Louise Vernet as child. Louise Vernet (1814-1845), daughter of Horace Vernet and...
Louise Vernet as child. Louise Vernet (1814-1845), daughter of Horace Vernet and...
#391908 8
Viande de boucherie avec chien et chat - Butcher's meat with dog and cat, 1651....
Gibier et attirail de chasse découverts par un chat. Game and hunting utensils...
Saint Peter of Alcantara (1499-1562).
La raie - the skate. Detail of 40-11-28/58. Canvas, 114,5 x 146 cm. INV.3197
Otto Venius peignant entoure des siens, 1584. Otto Venius painting, su...
The Holy Family around a fire. Oakwood, 66,5 x 50,5 cm...
Adam and Eve,1570. Oakwood, 33 x 47 cm...
Animal studies (donkeys,cats,monkeys). Oakwood, 34,2 x 55,5 cm...
Allegory of Sight, 1617. First of a series on the five senses. Sight is il...