#330204 2
The priest in his vestments driving out cattle and before him goes the handmaide...
#330204 3
Christ before Caiaphas. Illustration to "Horologium Deuotionis" of Bertholdus. P...
#330204 4
The Baptism of Christ in the River Jordan. Illustration to "Horologium Deuotioni...
#330204 5
The joys of the world and the warning of death. Illustration to "Ein Allerhailsa...
#330204 6
The eternal lamentation of the damned. Illustration to "Ein Allerhailsamste warn...
#330204 7
The reward of the chosen, represented by the crowning of Mary surrounded by the...
#330204 8
Illustration on the title page of "Oratio Cassandre Venete". Published by Peter...
#330204 9
Woodcut to "Wie der Würffel auff ist Kumen". Published by Max Ayrer, Nuremberg,...
Jean Charlier de Gerson (1363-1429) as pilgrim. Gerson, Chancellor of the Univer...
A teacher with four scholars. Illustration to Alexander Gallus: "Prima Pars doc...
The Theatre. Woodcut, 229 x 142mm. Reprints made in the 19th century, woodblock...
Phaedria and Parmeno (Eunuchus I,6). The Eunuch laments to his slave Parmeno tha...