Antipho (Eunuchus III,4). Antipho, who does not know that his friend Chaerea has...
Phaedria (Eunuchus IV,2). Phaedria, deep in thought, goes past his country house...
Laches and Parmeno (Eunuchus V,6). Parmeno meets Laches, the father of Phaedria,...
Davus, Simo,and Chremes (Andria III,4). Simo relates to his slave Davus, that th...
Davus, Pamphilus and Charinus (Andria V,6). Pamphilus tells the slave Davus abou...
Clinia and Syrus (Heautontimorumenos IV,3). Clinia and Syrus, the slave of Cliti...
Syrus and Chremes (Heautontimorumenos IV,5). Chremes and Syrus discuss the love...
Clitipho, Menedemus, Chremes und Syrus (Heautontimorumenos V,2). Chremes reprove...
Demea and Micio (Adelphi I,2). Demea tells his brother Micio about the amours an...
Sannio and Syrus (Adelphi II,2). Woodcut, 88 x 143mm. Reprints made in the 19th...
Aeschinus (Adelphi IV,4). Woodcut, 92 x 147mm. Reprints made in the 19th century...
The knight commissions two scribes and two priests to compile this book. Title i...