Meeting between the Living and the Dead. Illustration to Diurnale s(ecundu)m cho...
Saint Margaret. Illustration to Hortulus Anime. Printed by Michael Furter, Basel...
Saint Dorothea. Illustration to Hortulus Anime. Printed by Michael Furter, Basel...
Saint Christopher. Illustration to Hortulus Anime. Printed by Nicolaus Lamparter...
Saint Lawrence. Illustration to Hortulus Anime. Printed by Nicolaus Lamparter, B...
Saint Martin of Tours. Illustration to Hortulus Anime. Printed by Nicolaus Lampa...
Saint Nicholas. Illustration to Hortulus Anime. Printed by Nicolaus Lamparter, B...
Saint Mary Magdalen. Illustration to Hortulus Anime. Printed by Nicolaus Lampart...
Virgin Mary worshipped by Albrecht von Bonstetten. Illustration to Septem Hore c...
#330205 1
The poet Sebastian Brant kneeling. Woodcut on the title page of Varia Carmina by...
#330205 2
Young woman holding coat of arms (publisher's sign of Friedrich Riederer). Title...
#330205 3
Daedalus and Icarus. Illustration to The Mirror of the True Rhetoric (Marcus Tul...