#330205 4
Christ on the Cross with Mary Virgin and Saint John. Canon cut from Missale spec...
#330205 5
The Head of Christ. Illustration to Missale speciale. Printed by Johann Gruening...
#330205 6
The Syphilitic (Der Syphilitiker). 1496. Woodcut, 257 x 97mm.
#330205 7
Caput pysicum - Head for the purpose of the study of Phrenology. Illustration to...
#330205 8
The Crowning with Thorns. (Albertina Passion). Around 1500. Woodcut, 246 x 173m...
#330205 9
The Flagellation. (Albertina Passion). Around 1500. Woodcut, 246 x 174mm.
Christ bearing the Cross. (Albertina Passion). Around 1500. Woodcut, 246 x 174m...
The Crucifixion. (Albertina Passion). Around 1500. Woodcut, 246 x 174mm.
Birgitta surrounded by nuns and monks. Illustration to Saint Birgitta of Sweden:...
Birgitta gives her works to the Emperor, Kings and Princes. Illustration to Sain...
The Coat of Arms of Maximilian I, as King of the Romans. Illustration to Saint B...
The Coat of Arms of Florian Waldauf (Waldauff) von Waldenstein. Illustration to...