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105 photos
Les Sabines - The Sabine women halting the battle
between Romans and Sabines.
Oil on canvas (1799)
385 x 522 cm
Inv. 3691

Les Sabines - The Sabine women halting the battle between Romans and Sabines....

Les Licteurs rapportent a Brutus les corps de ses fils -
The lictors bring Brutus the bodies of his dead sons.
Oil on canvas (1789)
323 x 422 cm
Inv. 3693

Les Licteurs rapportent a Brutus les corps de ses fils - The lictors bring Brut...

Belisarius begging for alms.
Oil on canvas (1784)
101 x 115 cm
Inv. 3694

Belisarius begging for alms. Oil on canvas (1784) 101 x 115 cm Inv. 3694

The love of Paris and Helen,1789                           
Oil on canvas 146 x 180 cm                                   
Inv. 3696

The love of Paris and Helen,1789 Oil on canvas 146 x...

Le Serment du Jeu de Paume - The Oath of the Jeu de    
Pen and ink (1791-1792) 66 x 101 cm                    
MV 8409                                                
See 26-03-03/48,33-01-4/60,40-11-16/59,40-11-22/44

Le Serment du Jeu de Paume - The Oath of the Jeu de Paume,1789....

Jean Paul Marat, politician and publicist,             
dead in his bathtub, assassinated                      
by Charlotte Corday in 1793.                           
Oil on canvas                                          
165 x 128 cm

Jean Paul Marat, politician and publicist, dead in his bathtub, ass...

Napoleon Bonaparte.                                    
Study (1797/98)                                        
Oil on canvas                                          
81 x 65 cm                                             
RF 1942-18

Napoleon Bonaparte. Study (1797/98)...

Bonaparte crossing the Great Saint Bernard pass,1801.
See also 40-11-16/61 and 26-03-04/4.
Oil on canvas,260 x 221 cm
Inv. 49.7.11

Bonaparte crossing the Great Saint Bernard pass,1801. See also 40-11-16/61 and 2...

Pope Pius VII (1742-1823).                             
Oil on wood (1805)                                     
86 x 71 cm                                             
Inv. 3701

Pope Pius VII (1742-1823). Oil on wood (1805)...

The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte.        
Oil on canvas (1806-1807) - 621 x 979 cm               
Detail: Josephine, Napoleon, Cardinal Fesch and        
Pope Pius VII. In center back "Mme. Mere", Laetizia    
Bonaparte, who, in reality, was not present.

The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte. Oil on canvas (1806-1807...

The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte.        
Oil on canvas (1806-1807) - 621 x 979 cm               
Detail: Napoleon's brothers and sisters (from 
Joseph,Louis,Caroline Murat,Pauline Borghese; Hortense 
Beauharnais; background: Generals Duroc and Junot.

The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte. Oil on canvas (1806-1807...

The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte.        
Oil on canvas (1806-1807) - 621 x 979 cm               
Detail: From r.: Cardinal Joseph Fesch, Marechal  
Berthier with the Imperial Orb, behind him Eugene      
Beauharnais and, on the right, Talleyrand.

The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte. Oil on canvas (1806-1807...