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105 photos
The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte.        
Oil on canvas (1806-1807) -  621 x 979 cm              
Detail: Napoleon I holding high the Imperial crown,    
Empress Josephine kneeling before him.

The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte. Oil on canvas (1806-1807...

The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte.        
Oil on canvas (1806-1807)                              
Detail: Empress Josephine                              
Overall size 621 x 979 cm

The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte. Oil on canvas (1806-1807...

The Oath of the Army after the distribution of the
Eagles on the Champs de Mars, December 5, 1804.
Oil on canvas (1810)
610 x 970 cm
MV 2278

The Oath of the Army after the distribution of the Eagles on the Champs de Mars,...

Alexandre Lenoir, founder of the Musee                 
des Monuments Francais.                                
Oil on wood (1817)                                     
76 x 62 cm                                             
RF 2300

Alexandre Lenoir, founder of the Musee des Monuments Francais....

La Bonne Aventure (The Fortuneteller).                 
The model on the right is Victorine Fremiet,           
a pupil of David.                                      
Oil on canvas (1821)                                   
62 x 75 cm - Inv. 1947-3

La Bonne Aventure (The Fortuneteller). The model on the right i...

Horace vainqueur rentrant dans Rome. Victorious, Horace
enters Rome. 1781                                      
Pen and black ink, grey wash.                          
27,5 x 38,7 cm                                         
Inv. 12 676 F.S.31

Horace vainqueur rentrant dans Rome. Victorious, Horace enters Rome. 1781...

Mme. Charles-Louis Trudaine (1769-1802)                
Canvas, 130 x 98 cm                                    
R.F. 670

Mme. Charles-Louis Trudaine (1769-1802) Canvas, 130 x 98 cm...

Vue du Jardin du Luxembourg a Paris.                   
Canvas, 55 x 65 cm                                     
R.F. 2044

Vue du Jardin du Luxembourg a Paris. Canvas, 55 x 65 cm...

La douleur d'Andromache - The sorrow of Andromache.    
Painted 1783

La douleur d'Andromache - The sorrow of Andromache. Painted 1783

Juliette de Villeneuve, niece of Queen Julie, wife of  
Joseph Bonaparte. After the battle of Waterloo, queen  
Julie and her niece lived in Brussels; David was a     
frequent guest. 1824.                                  
Canvas, 1988 x 123 cm    RF 1997-5

Juliette de Villeneuve, niece of Queen Julie, wife of Joseph Bonaparte. After...

La maraichere - fishwoman,the maraicheres were         
particularly active during the early stages of the     
French Revolution 1789.

La maraichere - fishwoman,the maraicheres were particularly active duri...

The Oath of the Jeu de Paume,when the Three Estates    
refused to disband upon royal orders. June,29,1789.    
See also 26-03-03/48,40-11-04/53,33-01-04/60,          

The Oath of the Jeu de Paume,when the Three Estates refused to disband upon...