The simurgh leading an army of birds, 1610. The sandpipers sit on their nest in...
Rama's army in battle with monkeys, 1713. The army of the Hindu deity Rama (in t...
Procession of kings, wise men and their attendants, 1713. In front are horse-dra...
Sleeping giant, 1713. A sleeping giant is surrounded by people with clubs and tr...
Hanuman, king of the monkeys, fights with Indrajita, 1653. Hanuman picks up bold...
Ravanna's golden palace. Ravanna is the ten-headed demon king and Rama's adversa...
Hanuman, the monkey king, observing Lanka, Ravanna's palace' at night. Hanuman i...
Hanuman, the monkey-king, is brought before Ravanna, the many headed and -armed...
A scene from the legend of Gazi, riding a tiger. One of the 57 registers of a sc...
A woman tries to pin down a snake with a long stick, while others watch. The wom...
Water hog,1590. A tusked aquatic beast, possibly a depiction of a Ganges river d...
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Bearer of the demon's head, 10th century. A Persian representation of the conste...