

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
The "Duerrnberg Flask". Bronze flask with spout        
from a princely tomb (5th-4th BCE) on the Duerrnberg,  
Hallein. Detail of 07-02-01/25: mythological           
animal with human head as handle-top. See also         
07-02-01/25-27 and 29-31. Flask height 47 cm

The "Duerrnberg Flask". Bronze flask with spout from a princely tomb (5t...

The "Duerrnberg Flask". Mythological animal with       
long tail. Detail from the lid of the bronze flask     
with spout (07-02-01/25) from a princely tomb          
(5th-4th BCE) on the Duerrnberg, Hallein, Austria.     
See also 07-02-01/25-30. Flask height 47 cm

The "Duerrnberg Flask". Mythological animal with long tail. Detail from t...

Double-headed animal.                                  
Bronze fibula (around 400 BCE)                         
Length 8 cm

Double-headed animal. Bronze fibula (around 40...

Stags and griffins, embossed on the lid of a situla    
from tomb 696, Hallstatt Archaeological Site, Austria. 
Sheet bronze                                           
Diameter 23.7 cm                                       
Inv. 25816

Stags and griffins, embossed on the lid of a situla from tomb 696, Hallstatt...

Two animals with inlaid eyes.                          
Bronze fibula

Two animals with inlaid eyes. Bronze fibula

Bronze fibula with two masks of mythical animals.

Bronze fibula with two masks of mythical animals.

Rear view of ceremonial gold helmet, detail of         
07-02-03/42. Frieze of mythological animals.           
From Poiana Cotofenesti, Romania.                      
Height (entire helmet) 25 cm

Rear view of ceremonial gold helmet, detail of 07-02-03/42. Frieze of m...

Woman holding a mirror and a three-headed snake.
Harness plate, silver, gilded (4th BCE).
From Letnica, Bulgaria.
Height 5 cm
Inv. 605

Woman holding a mirror and a three-headed snake. Harness plate, silver, gilded (...

Gold torque, detail of 07-02-03/63, showing a          
female head and a mythical animal. From the tomb       
at Rheinheim, Saarland, Germany.

Gold torque, detail of 07-02-03/63, showing a female head and a mythic...

Men carrying fruit and food for the deceased.          
Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of Nakht,         
scribe and priest under Pharaoh Thutmosis IV           
(18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE), in the cemetery         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Men carrying fruit and food for the deceased. Detail of a wallpainting...

Men carrying fruit and food for the deceased.          
Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of Nakht,         
scribe and priest under Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV           
(18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE), in the cemetery         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Men carrying fruit and food for the deceased. Detail of a wallpainting...

Men carrying fruit and food for the deceased.          
Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of Nakht,         
scribe and priest under Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV           
(18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE), in the cemetery         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Men carrying fruit and food for the deceased. Detail of a wallpainting...