Ushebti figures (servants for the deceased) from the tomb...
Gods of the Underworld in a boat. Wooden panel from an Egy...
Wooden box for "Ushebtis", on the side God Anubis weighing souls. Box dec...
Magic knife decorated with mythical animals. Ivory, Middle Kingdom...
God Bes and mythical animals. Decorated magic ivory kn...
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Senbef and Ipta. Stele from the Osiris sanctuary in Abydos (Araba el-Madf...
Bread loaves on a small table. From the tomb of Archite...
Coffer with small vases of glass, alabaster, ceramics from the tomb of archite...
Wooden coffer for cosmetics and a cosmetic spoon, fro...
Wooden box with jewelry: necklaces, bracelet, scarab, torque, cosmetics contai...
The creation of the world. The Book of the Dead by Chensumose, a priest...
Chensumose, 3 demons with knives, tethered donkey. Book of the dead by Chen...