

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Coffin lid of Sebek-O with so-called "coffin texts" to 
guarantee "eternal life, alike to that of the Gods".   
Painting on wood (around 1800 BCE), 12th Dynasty,      
1st Intermediate Period, Egypt.                        
Inv. 45

Coffin lid of Sebek-O with so-called "coffin texts" to guarantee "eternal life,...

Stele of the Chief of Cabinet Sesostris. He and his    
wife and son sit on the left of the offering table.    
On the right other family members and slaves carrying  
the offerings. Painted limestone (1800 BCE), 12th      
Dynasty, 1st Intermediate Period, Egypt. - Inv. 1188

Stele of the Chief of Cabinet Sesostris. He and his wife and son sit on the...

God Bes, who disarmed evil spirits                     
with drolleries and laughter,                          
especially during childbirth.                          
Terracotta statue (14th BCE),                          
New Kingdom, Egypt.

God Bes, who disarmed evil spirits with drolleries and laug...

The eighth hour of the Anduat (Book of the Underworld).
The ship of Ra floats through the Underworld, preceded 
by the snake Mechen, which guards the re-birth of the  
sungod Ra from the fifth hour onwards. Pen on papyrus  
(12th-9th BCE), New Kingdom, Egypt.

The eighth hour of the Anduat (Book of the Underworld). The ship of Ra floats th...

From the book "Guide through the Underworld": Left to  
right: The Theban Western Mountains (the necropolis);  
the cow Hathor, the Horus-falcon; the dog Anubis guar- 
ding the City of the Dead. The defunct prays  to Anubis. 
(12th-9th BCE), New Kingdom, Egypt

From the book "Guide through the Underworld": Left to right: The Theban Weste...

From the book "A Guide through the Underworld" (sequel 
to 08-01-10/48). From left to right: Man praying       
to the God Anubis; the red disk of the sun; the        
pavian-god of wisdom; man harvesting grain.            
(12th-9th BCE), New Kingdom, Egypt.

From the book "A Guide through the Underworld" (sequel to 08-01-10/48). From le...

Heartshaped scarab; the inscription on the reverse side
of another scarab asks the heart not to testify against
the owner during the Judgement in the Other World.     
Green stone, gold (around 1200 BCE), New Kingdom, Egypt
Inv. 2047

Heartshaped scarab; the inscription on the reverse side of another scarab asks t...

Three Osiris-figures.The mummified penis of the defunct
was kept in a small opening in the base. Sometimes the 
opening was used to store a papyrus role with the Book 
of the Dead. Right: Ba, the soul-bird. - Painted wood  
(around 600 BCE), Egypt. - Inv. 843, 9666, 910, 20668

Three Osiris-figures.The mummified penis of the defunct was kept in a small open...

Detail from the inner coffin of priest Pai-es-Tenef.   
The Ba soul-bird hovers above the defunct in order     
to revive him for afterlife. - Painted wood            
(about 600 BCE), Late Period, Egypt.                   
Inv. 53

Detail from the inner coffin of priest Pai-es-Tenef. The Ba soul-bird hovers...

Book of the Dead with 125 chapters, judgement in the   
Otherworld. The defunct, the Lady Nefer-is, is led into
the courtroom: her heart is weighed against the truth; 
she sacrifices to the Gods Osiris, Isis, and Nephtys.  
Papyrus (350 BCE), Late Period, Egypt - Inv. 10477

Book of the Dead with 125 chapters, judgement in the Otherworld. The defunct,...

Falcon god Horus and Anubis, the jackal-headed god     
of the dead. Reliefs on the walls of the temple of     
Sobek and Horus (2nd BCE), Ptolemaic Period, Egypt.

Falcon god Horus and Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the dead. Reliefs on...

The avenue of sphinxes,                                
leading up to the first pylon                          
of the Temple of Amun (13th BCE),                      
19th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Luxor.

The avenue of sphinxes, leading up to the first...