The deceased sails through the Underworld. Book of the Dead by Chensumos...
Tree-goddess offers vivifying waters to the deceased. Mural from the tomb of K...
The deceased in the Underworld. The Book of the Dead by Anier. Papyrus....
Osiris, god of the dead. Head of a colossal statu...
The child Horus on a crocodile. Detail of a magic statue...
"House of the Souls" for the deceased. Terracotta model, 1st In...
High official in a boat: The voyage through the Underworld....
Votive boat with figures. Painted wood,from a tomb (about 1800 BCE), 12th D...
Funeral boat. Painted wood (2100-2000 BCE), 11th Dynasty, Middle Kin...
Funeral boat. Painted wood,(2100-2000 BCE), 11th Dynasty, Middle Kin...
Mer-ib and his wife in their chamber of sacrifice. Wall painting from Mer-i...
Coffin lid shows the two paths across the Underworld in red and black colour...