

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Bull.  Enameled tile and ceramic brick.                
Detail from the Ishtar Gate, Babylon, Mesopotamia      
Period of Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BCE)

Bull. Enameled tile and ceramic brick. Detail from the Ishtar G...

Mythical creature with gazelle's head, lion's body     
and snake's tail. Enamelled tile  and ceramic brick.   
Detail from the Ishtar Gate, Babylon, Mesopotamia      
Period of Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BCE)

Mythical creature with gazelle's head, lion's body and snake's tail. Enamel...

Support of an offertory with animal reliefs            
from Susa, Iran. Detail                                
Bitumen, asphalt stone (around 2700 BCE)               
Overall dimensions 20 x 13.5 cm                        
Sb 2726
#080207 1

Support of an offertory with animal reliefs from Susa, Iran. Detail...

A round of genii.                                      
Bronze emblem (19-18th BCE)                            
from Luristan, Persia                                  
22.9 x 18.1 cm                                         
AO 2397
#080207 6

A round of genii. Bronze emblem (19-18th B...

Couple on a votive bed. Fertility rite.                
Hierogamus, from Susa, Persia.                         
Terracotta (mid 2nd millennium)                        
7.1 x 4.9 cm                                           
Sb 6562

Couple on a votive bed. Fertility rite. Hierogamus, from Susa, P...

Couple embracing in a votive bed. Fertility rite.      
Hierogamus, from Susa, Persia.                         
Terracotta (mid 2nd millenium)                         
9,5 x 5,7 cm                                           
Sb 5888

Couple embracing in a votive bed. Fertility rite. Hierogamus, from Susa, P...

Goddess Gula with her dog, Kudurru of Nazimarutash,    
from the temple of Marduk,Babylon.                     
Black limestone, 2nd half 14th BCE.                    
Kassite period.

Goddess Gula with her dog, Kudurru of Nazimarutash, from the temple of Mardu...

Parade of musicians, warriors, and animals.            
Fragment of a Kudurru - middle register.               
Yellow limestone (Kassite era, 12th BCE),              
from Babylon, Mesopotamia (Iraq)                       
Overall size: 54 x 36 cm - Sb 25

Parade of musicians, warriors, and animals. Fragment of a Kudurru -...

Two snakes and five small divine figures holding       
vases. Bronze sacrificial altar cast in one piece.     
Middle-Elamite era (10th-9th BCE),                     
from Susa, Iran                                        
158 x 70.5 cm - Sb 185

Two snakes and five small divine figures holding vases. Bronze sacrificia...

Horse-bit in the form of horned and winged sphinxes.   
Bronze (1200-600 BCE)                                  
from west Iran                                         
Cat. 130677

Horse-bit in the form of horned and winged sphinxes. Bronze (1200-600 BCE)...

Horse-bit in the form of a winged ram.                 
Bronze (1200-600 BCE)                                  
from West Iran                                         
Cat. 122930

Horse-bit in the form of a winged ram. Bronze (1200-600 BCE)...

Pin-head in the form of a winged dragon (7th BCE)      
(Popular in Luristan for attaching clothes, the        
pins became a votiv object)                            
from West Iran                                         
Cat. 132057

Pin-head in the form of a winged dragon (7th BCE) (Popular in Luristan fo...