Bull. Enameled tile and ceramic brick. Detail from the Ishtar G...
Mythical creature with gazelle's head, lion's body and snake's tail. Enamel...
#080207 1
Support of an offertory with animal reliefs from Susa, Iran. Detail...
#080207 6
A round of genii. Bronze emblem (19-18th B...
Couple on a votive bed. Fertility rite. Hierogamus, from Susa, P...
Couple embracing in a votive bed. Fertility rite. Hierogamus, from Susa, P...
Goddess Gula with her dog, Kudurru of Nazimarutash, from the temple of Mardu...
Parade of musicians, warriors, and animals. Fragment of a Kudurru -...
Two snakes and five small divine figures holding vases. Bronze sacrificia...
Horse-bit in the form of horned and winged sphinxes. Bronze (1200-600 BCE)...
Horse-bit in the form of a winged ram. Bronze (1200-600 BCE)...
Pin-head in the form of a winged dragon (7th BCE) (Popular in Luristan fo...