

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Winged genius with body of a lion.                     
Bas-relief on glazed ceramics (8th BCE)                
from a Neo-Elamite tomb, Susa, Iran.                   
Height 17 cm                                           
Sb 375

Winged genius with body of a lion. Bas-relief on glazed cer...

Two lions with horns atop a three-registered frieze    
decorated with different geometrical ornaments. Detail.
Enamelled bricks (6th BCE) from the Apadana in Susa.   
Overall size 31.5 x 26.5 cm                            
Sb 3336

Two lions with horns atop a three-registered frieze decorated with different...

Two winged sphinxes topped by a winged disk,           
emblem of the god Ahura Mazda.                         
Enamelled brick panel (6th-5th BCE) from Susa, Iran.   
Overall size 120 x 117 cm                              
Sb 3324

Two winged sphinxes topped by a winged disk, emblem of the god Ahura...

Embossed ornament in the form of a lion-griffin,gold, from the Oxus Treasure,Achaemenid period,5th-4th BCE.
The Oxus Treasure, the most important collection of gold and silver to have survived from the Achaemenid period, is from a temple on the banks of the Oxus,Tajikistan.
Cat. 123 924

Embossed ornament in the form of a lion-griffin,gold, from the Oxus Treasure,Ach...

Eagle with lion's head.                                
Lapis lazuli, gold, copper and bitumen pendant         
Early dynastic period II (2658 BCE)                    
from the Treasure of Ur, Mari, Syria
#080208 7

Eagle with lion's head. Lapis lazuli, gold, copp...

Hero fighting or holding two bisons (top of the stele).
Anzu, the lion-headed eagle with two ibex (bottom).    
Fragment of a relief panel with two registers          
Steatite (2645-2460 BCE)                               
from Mari, Syria

Hero fighting or holding two bisons (top of the stele). Anzu, the lion-headed ea...

Head of an Assyrian god.                               
Middle Bronze, around 1600 BCE                         
from Djabbul, Mesopotamia                              
Basalte, H: 35 cm                                      
AO 10 831

Head of an Assyrian god. Middle Bronze, around 16...

Mountain-god and two bulls with human heads and arms.  
Basalt bas-relief on a socle (13th BCE)                
from Ain Dara, north of Aleppo, Syria

Mountain-god and two bulls with human heads and arms. Basalt bas-relief on a s...

Two sphinxes with ram heads.                           
Open ivory relief from a frieze                        
(2nd half 9th BCE)                                     
from Hadatu (Arslan-Tash), Northern Syria

Two sphinxes with ram heads. Open ivory relief from a...

Carved ivory relief (2nd half 9th BCE)                 
from Hadatu (Arslan-Tash), Northern Syria              
Height 7.9 cm

Sphinx. Carved ivory relief (2nd...

Marble intarsia from a hall in Palace G, Ebla.         
The figures of warriors and mythological animals were  
arranged in 12 rows on a wall,possibly to celebrate    
a victory. Lion-headed eagle and bull with a human face
Around 2.400 BCE    H: 14-15 cm
#080209 8

Marble intarsia from a hall in Palace G, Ebla. The figures of warriors...

Sphinx, with the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt 
and the false beard of the Pharaohs. Probably part     
of an entrance gate to an Aramaic temple or palace     
in Damascus, then capital of Aram. 9th-8th BCE         
Basalt, H:80 cm     Inv. 30

Sphinx, with the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt and the false beard of t...