Procession of Hittite gods and rulers, with their mythological...
Bulls with wings and human heads, benign genii and gate-keepers in the...
The Ishtar Gate, the main gate of Babylon built during the reign of Nebu...
Bulls and griffins from the Ishtar gate, main gate of Babylon, built during...
Scylla and a ship. Decorative relief on a Roman bronze cup from Bosco Re...
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Bull with wings, human face and tiara; a benevolent genius and guardian of t...
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Votive stele from Ghorfa. The donor in the center, on a prayer platform in...
Statuette of the young Hercules without beard. He wears the lion skin o...
Humbaba,demon,genie and guardian of the cedar forests of the Lebanon range. Pe...
The demon-god Pazuzu, an Akkadian-Sumerian evil spirit.An inscription s...
The demon-god Pazuzu peers over the edge of this bronze plaque.Top regist...
The demon Pazuzu. Obverse side of 08-02-11/23, the bronze plaque showin...