

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Procession of Hittite gods and rulers,                 
with their mythological animals, the lion              
and the double-headed eagle.

Procession of Hittite gods and rulers, with their mythological...

Bulls with wings and human heads, benign genii         
and gate-keepers in the palace of king Sargon II       
of Assur (722-705), Khorsabad.                         
H: 400 cm                                              
AO 19858

Bulls with wings and human heads, benign genii and gate-keepers in the...

The Ishtar Gate, the main gate of Babylon built        
during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BCE).   
Glazed tiles with mythical animals, bulls and griffins.
The gate was dedicated to the goddess Ishtar, a mother-
and love goddess related to Astarte and Tanit.

The Ishtar Gate, the main gate of Babylon built during the reign of Nebu...

Bulls and griffins from the Ishtar gate, main gate     
of Babylon, built during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II
(605-562 BCE). The gate was dedicated to the goddess   
Ishtar, the mother- and love goddess related to Astarte
and Tanit. Glazed tiles.

Bulls and griffins from the Ishtar gate, main gate of Babylon, built during...

Scylla and a ship. Decorative relief on a Roman        
bronze cup from Bosco Reale near Pompeii.              
33 cm across.                                          
Cat. 2882

Scylla and a ship. Decorative relief on a Roman bronze cup from Bosco Re...

Bull with wings, human face and tiara; a benevolent    
genius and guardian of the palace doors, called        
shedu or lamassu.From the palace of Sargon, Khorsabad. 
H: 410 cm                                              
AO 19860
#080210 6

Bull with wings, human face and tiara; a benevolent genius and guardian of t...

Votive stele from Ghorfa. The donor in the center,     
on a prayer platform in a small temple with columns.   
Top: the goddess Tanit with a pomegranate and grape;   
bottom right:Venus with the cornucopia, left Dionysos. 
H: 137 cm                    MNB 898
#080210 9

Votive stele from Ghorfa. The donor in the center, on a prayer platform in...

Statuette of the young Hercules without beard.         
He wears the lion skin over a tunic and holds a        
young lion by the mane. From Cyprus                    
Limestone, H: 44 cm                                    

Statuette of the young Hercules without beard. He wears the lion skin o...

Humbaba,demon,genie and guardian of the cedar forests  
of the Lebanon range. Period of the Amorite dynasties. 
In the Gilgamesh-epic, Gilgamesh and his friend        
Enkidu cut off the demon's head. 20th-16th BCE         
Terracotta, H: 11,5 cm        AO 6778

Humbaba,demon,genie and guardian of the cedar forests of the Lebanon range. Pe...

The demon-god Pazuzu, an Akkadian-Sumerian evil        
spirit.An inscription says: "I am Pazuzu, king of evil 
spirits and of the winds which come raging down from   
the mountains..." This figurine, hung around the neck  
of a sick person, was supposed to drive sickness away.
H:15 cm,   MNB 467

The demon-god Pazuzu, an Akkadian-Sumerian evil spirit.An inscription s...

The demon-god Pazuzu peers over the edge of this       
bronze plaque.Top register:symbols of the Babylonian   
chief gods;below:animal-headed protective beings; fish-
clad priests attend a sick person;Pazuzu drives out the
female demon Lamashtu. Bronze, 13,3 x 8,4 cm  AO 22205

The demon-god Pazuzu peers over the edge of this bronze plaque.Top regist...

The demon Pazuzu. Obverse side of 08-02-11/23,         
the bronze plaque showing Pazuzu driving out the       
evil female spirit Lamashtu.                           
Bronze, 13,3 x 8,4 cm                                  
AO 22205

The demon Pazuzu. Obverse side of 08-02-11/23, the bronze plaque showin...