

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Apollo's chariot on an Attic crater (6th BCE).         
Lightly micaceous pink clay, yellowish veneer, dark    
brown silhouettes, light brown and reddish violet for  
part of the interior of the figures. Origin unknown.   
Height 98 cm - Inv. 911
#100103 9

Apollo's chariot on an Attic crater (6th BCE). Lightly micaceous pink c...

Ulysses and three companions blinding Polyphemus.      
Black-figured Cyrenean cup (6th BCE).

Ulysses and three companions blinding Polyphemus. Black-figured Cyrenean c...

Ulysses escapes under the ram.                         
Black-figured convex lekythos (590 BCE)                
from Girgenti (now Agrigenti), Sicily                  
Height 26 cm                                           
Inv. 1885

Ulysses escapes under the ram. Black-figured convex lek...

Trojan Horse and Greek soldiers.                       
Relief from the neck of an                             
earthenware amphora (640 BCE)                          
from Mykonos.                                          
Overall height 120 cm

Trojan Horse and Greek soldiers. Relief from the neck of...

Poseidon, sea god.                                     
Bronze (6th BCE).                                      

Poseidon, sea god. Bronze (6th BCE)....

Wounded Amazon.                                        
Marble frieze from the altar                           
of Diana (Artemis) (350 BCE)                           
in Ephesus, Turkey                                     
Height 65 cm - Inv. I 811

Wounded Amazon. Marble frieze from the a...

A lion head - Gargoyle.                                
Marble fragment (late Classic period - 340 BCE)        
from the temple of Artemis                             
Ephesus, Turkey                                        
Height 56 cm - Inv. 541

A lion head - Gargoyle. Marble fragment (late Cl...

A lion head - Gargoyle.                                
Marble fragment (late Classic period - 340 BCE)        
from the temple of Artemis                             
Ephesus, Turkey                                        
Height 46 cm - Inv. 541

A lion head - Gargoyle. Marble fragment (late Cl...

"The holy bird of Artemis". Hawk with streched wings.  
Gold clasp (1st half of 6th BCE)                       
from the foundations of the temple of Artemis          
Ephesus, Turkey                                        
Height 2.6 cm - weight 45 g

"The holy bird of Artemis". Hawk with streched wings. Gold clasp (1st half of...

Goddess Artemis (?)                                    
Electrum statuette (7th BCE), found in                 
the foundations of the temple of Artemis,              
Ephesus, Turkey                                        
Height 3 cm - weight 10 g

Goddess Artemis (?) Electrum statuette (7th...

Aphrodite Anadyomene.                                  
Marble torso (5th BCE).                                
Collection de Luynes

Aphrodite Anadyomene. Marble torso (5th BCE)....

Marble torso of a goddess, of Kore or Letho, from      
the Artemis temple in Delos, around 500 BCE.           
Height 134 cm                                          
Inv. 22

Marble torso of a goddess, of Kore or Letho, from the Artemis temple in De...