

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Hermes tying his sandal (see also 10-01-03/49).        
Attic marble figure related to Hermes Propylaios.      
Roman copy (2nd CE) of a Greek original by Lysippos    
(4th BCE) found in the theatre of Marcellus, Rome.     
Height 154 cm - MA 83

Hermes tying his sandal (see also 10-01-03/49). Attic marble figure rela...

Hermes tying his sandal (see also 10-01-03/48).        
Attic marble figure related to Hermes Propylaios.      
Roman copy (2nd CE) of a Greek original by Lysippos    
(4th BCE) found in the theatre of Marcellus, Rome.     
Height 154 cm - MA 83

Hermes tying his sandal (see also 10-01-03/48). Attic marble figure rela...

Trojans defending the walls of their city.             
Frieze on the tomb of a Lycian prince. Detail.         
Limestone relief from the west side of the Heroon      
of Goelbasi-Trysa in Lycia, Turkey (380 BCE).          
Overall dimensions: 110 x 750 cm

Trojans defending the walls of their city. Frieze on the tomb of a...

Greek and Trojan warrior in single combat.             
Frieze on the tomb of a Lycian prince.                 
Detail of a Limestone relief from the Heroon           
of Goelbasi-Trysa in Lycia, Turkey (380 BCE)           
Overall dimensions: 110 x 750 cm

Greek and Trojan warrior in single combat. Frieze on the tomb of a...

Greek and Trojan warrior in single combat.             
Frieze on the tomb of a Lycian prince.                 
Detail of a Limestone relief from the Heroon           
of Goelbasi-Trysa in Lycia, Turkey (380 BCE)           
Overall dimensions: 110 x 750 cm

Greek and Trojan warrior in single combat. Frieze on the tomb of a...

Woman on a rock with a violin and another with a       
large kithara, a little Eros at her side. Terracotta   
figurines from Aigina, Greece, Tanagrian influence     
(ca. 360 BCE). (Size of the musician 22 cm - CA 574)   
CA 798

Woman on a rock with a violin and another with a large kithara, a little...

Sitting Silen. Terracotta figurine                     
(650-480 BCE, Archaic style)                           
from Greece.                                           
Height 7 cm                                            
CA 253

Sitting Silen. Terracotta figurine (650-480 BCE, Archaic st...

Young woman, perhaps the Muse Polyhymnia.              
Terracotta figurine (2nd half 1st BCE)                 
from Myrina, Isle of Lemnos, Greece.                   
Height 17.5 cm                                         
Myr 204

Young woman, perhaps the Muse Polyhymnia. Terracotta figurine (2nd...

Bathing Aphrodite leaning against a steering oar.      
Terracotta figurine (3rd BCE)                          
from Greece.

Bathing Aphrodite leaning against a steering oar. Terracotta figurine (3rd...

Sleeping Eros on a dolphin.                            
Terracotta figurine (1st CE)                           
Graeco-Roman Period

Sleeping Eros on a dolphin. Terracotta figurine (1st...

Golden ornamental plate (7th BCE)                      
with animal decor, griffins and stags.

Golden ornamental plate (7th BCE) with animal decor, griff...

Golden ornamental plate with a griffin (7th BCE).

Golden ornamental plate with a griffin (7th BCE).