The defenders of Troy. Detail of a relief from the Heroon of Goelb...
A captain assembles his men. Detail of a relief from the Heroon of Goelb...
Fight between Greeks and Trojans. Detail of a relief from the Heroon of Goelb...
The Greek hero Bellerophon on his winged horse Pegasos kills Chimaira, a compos...
A procession of Bacchus and his followers, dancing girls and Maenad...
A procession of Bacchus and his followers, a satyr plays the double...
Ulysses on his raft made of two vases floating on the waves of...
Skiron, the robber, sitting on his rock near Corinth, Greece (from the story o...
Aeneas carrying his father Anchises from burning Troy. Scene from Homer's Ilias...
Orestes kills Aigisthos with his sword. Left: Chrysothemis fleei...
Klytaimnestra comes to the aid of her lover Aigisthos restrained by Thaltybios...
Sea-serpent. Terracotta (330 BCE-1 CE...