

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Dancing maenad playing the tympanum.                   
Bronze (2nd BCE) from Alexandria, Egypt.               
Height 24 cm                                           
Br 393

Dancing maenad playing the tympanum. Bronze (2nd BCE) from Al...

A young satyr holding a pyxis (box).                   
Bronze statuette (330 BCE-1 CE)                        
Height 6.4 cm                                          
Br 2933

A young satyr holding a pyxis (box). Bronze statuette (330 BC...

A satyr playing the double flute.                      
Bronze statuette (2nd BCE)                             
from Alexandria, Egypt.                                
Height 30 cm                                           
Br 352

A satyr playing the double flute. Bronze statuette (2nd BC...

A rider following a griffin.                           
Relief, from Asia Minor.                               
Painted terracotta (end 6th BCE)                       
CA 4198

A rider following a griffin. Relief, from Asia Minor....

Asklepios and his daughter Hygieia feeding a snake.    
Funerary relief, marble from the Therme of Salonika.   
Classical, last quarter 5th BCE                        
Inv. 109 T

Asklepios and his daughter Hygieia feeding a snake. Funerary relief, marble...

Smokehole or "fumarole" in the mud of the crater of    
Solfatara, one of the extinvt volcanoes of the         
Phlegrean Fields near Pozzuoli,Italy. Such a sight may 
have inspired the myth of the Cyclops Poliphem,the one-
eyed giant of the Odyssee.

Smokehole or "fumarole" in the mud of the crater of Solfatara, one of the ex...

The harbour of the giant Cyclops.A small bay at the    
foot of Mount Posillipo,invisible from the landward    
side.Here the blinded giant threw rocks at Ulysses     
and his men.

The harbour of the giant Cyclops.A small bay at the foot of Mount Posillipo,...

Stromboli,the volcanic island, in Greek myth the       
home of Aiolos,whom the Gods made guardian of the      
winds. On his return journey,Ulysses lands on          
Stromboli;Aiolos presents him with a bag of winds.

Stromboli,the volcanic island, in Greek myth the home of Aiolos,whom the...

The rocky coast of Corsica,in the Odyssee home of the  
Lestrygones,canibal-giants who devour some of          
Ulysses companions.

The rocky coast of Corsica,in the Odyssee home of the Lestrygones,canibal-gian...

Bay in Ithaka,where Ulysses' son Telemach landed.      
Athena led him safely past the ambush of his mother's  

Bay in Ithaka,where Ulysses' son Telemach landed. Athena led him safely pa...

A field of poppies in Thessaly.

A field of poppies in Thessaly.

The Erechtheion on the Acropolis where,according       
to Greek myth,a sacred spring issued from a hole       
struck by Poseidon.

The Erechtheion on the Acropolis where,according to Greek myth,a sacred s...