Orestes with a sword killing Clytaemnestra. Detail of 10-02-02/62....
Erinies with snakes in their hands. Marble relief (3rd CE)...
Prometheus creating man, guided by Athena. Marble relief (3rd CE)...
Prometheus creating man, guided by Athena. Marble relief from a sar...
The Three Parcae (Fates), legend of Prometheus. Marble relief from a sar...
Minerva, Marsyas playing the flute, sitting muse, Apollo with the lyre, Vi...
Marsyas playing the flute. Detail of 10-02-02/68. Marble relief (2nd CE)...
The murder of Clytaemnestra. Marble relief from the f...
The Golden Fleece captured by hero Jason with the help of Medea....
Ariadne leaning against a thyrsos. Ivory relief on a chair...
Young Heracles strangling snakes. Face of a silver tridrac...
Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) as Herakles with lion's head. Face of a s...