

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Orestes with a sword killing Clytaemnestra.            
Detail of 10-02-02/62.                                 
Marble relief (3rd CE)                                 
from a sarcophagus.

Orestes with a sword killing Clytaemnestra. Detail of 10-02-02/62....

Erinies with snakes in their hands.                    
Marble relief (3rd CE)                                 
from a sarcophagus.

Erinies with snakes in their hands. Marble relief (3rd CE)...

Prometheus creating man, guided by Athena.             
Marble relief (3rd CE)                                 
from a sarcophagus.

Prometheus creating man, guided by Athena. Marble relief (3rd CE)...

Prometheus creating man, guided by Athena.             
Marble relief from a sarcophagus (220 CE).             
Height 40.55 cm, length 148 cm                         
MA 355

Prometheus creating man, guided by Athena. Marble relief from a sar...

The Three Parcae (Fates), legend of Prometheus.        
Marble relief from a sarcophagus (220 CE).             
Height 40.55 cm, length 148 cm                         
MA 355

The Three Parcae (Fates), legend of Prometheus. Marble relief from a sar...

Minerva, Marsyas playing the flute, sitting muse,      
Apollo with the lyre, Victoria (from left to right).   
Marble relief (2nd CE) from a sarcophagus.             
Height 104 cm, length 221 cm                           
MA 2347

Minerva, Marsyas playing the flute, sitting muse, Apollo with the lyre, Vi...

Marsyas playing the flute. Detail of 10-02-02/68.      
Marble relief (2nd CE)                                 
from a sarcopohagus.                                   
Height 104 cm, length 221 cm                           
MA 2347

Marsyas playing the flute. Detail of 10-02-02/68. Marble relief (2nd CE)...

The murder of Clytaemnestra.                           
Marble relief from the front                           
of a sarcophagus (140 CE).                             
Height 83 cm, length 178 cm                            
MA 380

The murder of Clytaemnestra. Marble relief from the f...

The Golden Fleece captured by hero Jason               
with the help of Medea. The adventures                 
of Jason in Kolchis. Marble fronticpiece               
of a sarcophagus (330 BCE-1 CE) from Naples.           
Inv. 174

The Golden Fleece captured by hero Jason with the help of Medea....

Ariadne leaning against a thyrsos.                     
Ivory relief on a chair (sella),                       
presumably from Trier, Germany                         
(around 500 CE). Height 42 cm

Ariadne leaning against a thyrsos. Ivory relief on a chair...

Young Heracles strangling snakes.                      
Face of a silver tridrachm                             
(Reverse side: bee) (394-391 BCE)                      
Diameter 2.35 cm - Weight 11.4 g

Young Heracles strangling snakes. Face of a silver tridrac...

Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) as Herakles with     
lion's head. Face of a silver tetradrachm (300 BCE)    
(Reverse: Zeus, eagle, and inscription "Alexandros")   
Diameter 2.9 cm - Weight 17.1 g                        
Inv. 34551

Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) as Herakles with lion's head. Face of a s...