#100301 1
The blinding of Polyphemus. Early Attic amphora, bla...
#100301 2
The three-headed giant Geryon whose cattle Heracles st...
#100301 3
Silen. Fragment of an Attic black-figured amphora (2nd half 6th BCE)....
#100301 4
Warriors at Troy. Attic red-figured cup (6...
#100301 6
Herakles fights the Lernean Hydra. White-figured Lekythos (...
#100301 7
Cadmos, brother of Europa, father of Semele, and his wife Harmonia, d...
#100301 8
Heracles fights the Stymphalian birds, reverse side of 10-03-05/19. Attic bl...
#100301 9
Athena issuing from the head of Zeus. Attic black-figured amph...
Dionysos and his mother Semele. Black-figured cup (6th B...
Herakles and his brother Iphikles menaced by a snake. Attic red-figured amphor...
Cadmos, son of Agenor, brother of Europa, killing the dragon....
Theft of Apollo's oxen by Hermes. Hydria (550 BCE) from Ce...