The child Hermes and Apollo. Black-figured Caere hydr...
Heracles in lion's skin with a club in his hand menacing Cerberus, the h...
Cerberus, the hell-hound, with three heads. Corynthian hydria (575 B...
Eurysthenes, King of Troezen, hiding in the cauldron, with heads of Cerberus. Re...
Return of Hephaistos to the Olymp. Black-figured hydria fro...
Silen and Maenad. Hydria from Caere,...
Silen and Maenad. Caeretane hydria,...
Theseus kills the Minotaur. Black-figured Attic...
Heracles killing the lion. Black-figured amphora (5...
Heracles killing the lion. White-figured Lekythos f...
Assembly of the heroes in camp before Troy. White-figured skyphos fr...
Maenad with Thracian Tattoo, killing Orpheus with a s...