

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Charon's boat; detail from a Roman tombstone.

Charon's boat; detail from a Roman tombstone.

The she-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus.               
Detail from a Roman tombstone.

The she-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus. Detail from a Roman tomb...

Dionysios, Pan and a satyr.                            
Metal fitting of a chariot.                            
From Szomodor, Hungary.                                
Bronze figurines (3rd CE).

Dionysios, Pan and a satyr. Metal fitting of a chari...

Comedy scene: consultation of a sorceress. Three       
women wearing theatrical masks,the maiden seeking help,
the friend or courtesan, the witch.The mosaic is signed
"Dioskurides of Samos". From the so-called House of    
Cicero, Pompeii.  Inv.9987
#100403 4

Comedy scene: consultation of a sorceress. Three women wearing theatrical...

Head of Medusa, a threshold mosaic to protect          
the house and its inhabitants.                         
From the House of the Centenary, Pompeii.              
#100403 6

Head of Medusa, a threshold mosaic to protect the house and its inhabi...

Maenad and satyr in a dionysiac scene, marble mosaic   
on slate ground, from the Casa dei Capitelli Colorati  
Pompeii VII 4, 31-51                                   

Maenad and satyr in a dionysiac scene, marble mosaic on slate ground, from th...

Theseus fights the minotaur, tondo.                    
From Pompeii                                           

Theseus fights the minotaur, tondo. From Pompeii...

Theseus fights the minotaur.                           
From Formia.                                           

Theseus fights the minotaur. From Formia....

Lykurgos, Ambrosia and Dionysos. Lykurgos was a        
mythical king who tried to prevent the spreading of    
the Dionysian cult and chased the young god from       
Thrace.In a fit of madness, sent by Zeus, Lykurgos     
killed his own son. From Herculaneum. Inv.9988

Lykurgos, Ambrosia and Dionysos. Lykurgos was a mythical king who tried...

Dionysos as a child, on the back of a tiger,           
a garland with leaves and theatrical masks.            
From the House of the Faun, Pompeii VI 12,2

Dionysos as a child, on the back of a tiger, a garland with leaves an...

The dancing faun, bronze.                              
From the House of the Faun, Pompeii VI 12,2.

The dancing faun, bronze. From the House of the Fa...

Two youths fighting a centaur, monochrome on marble.   
From Pompeii.

Two youths fighting a centaur, monochrome on marble. From Pompeii.