

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Head of Theseus, detail of a mural showing Theseus     
and the Minotaur, from the Basilica at Herculaneum.    
Inv. 9049

Head of Theseus, detail of a mural showing Theseus and the Minotaur, from t...

Herakles finds his son Telephos in Arcadia.            
Detail:Telephos nursed by a doe.                       
From the Basilica in Herculaneum,Italy.                
Inv. 9008

Herakles finds his son Telephos in Arcadia. Detail:Telephos nursed b...

Herakles finds his son Telephos in Arcadia             
Detail: head of Herakles.                              
From the Basilica at Herculaneum,Italy.                
Inv. 9008

Herakles finds his son Telephos in Arcadia Detail: head of Herakles...

Chiron, the wise centaur, tutor of gods and heroes,    
teaches Achilles to play the lyre.                     
From the Basilica at Herculaneum.                      

Chiron, the wise centaur, tutor of gods and heroes, teaches Achilles to play...

Head of Chiron, the wise centaur, detail of 10-04-03/27
From the Basilica of Herculaneum,Italy                 
Inv. 9109

Head of Chiron, the wise centaur, detail of 10-04-03/27 From the Basilica of Her...

Achilles discovered by Ulysses among the daughters of  
Lykomedes at Skyros, where his mother Thetis hid him to
prevent him from joining the Greek heroes before Troy. 
From Pompeii.                                          

Achilles discovered by Ulysses among the daughters of Lykomedes at Skyros, whe...

Mars and Venus. From the House of the Citharist,       
Inv. 112282

Mars and Venus. From the House of the Citharist, Pompeii....

Mars and Venus. From Pompeii                           
Inv. 9250

Mars and Venus. From Pompeii Inv. 9250

Neptune and Amphitrite, riding on the tail of a triton.
From Pompeii                                           

Neptune and Amphitrite, riding on the tail of a triton. From Pompeii...

The three graces, Euphrosyne (Joy),Thalia (Bloom)      
and Aglaia (Brilliance).                               
From the House of T.Deutatus, Pompeii.                 

The three graces, Euphrosyne (Joy),Thalia (Bloom) and Aglaia (Brilliance)....

Perseus frees Andromeda. Perseus, the head of the      
Medusa in his hand, helps Andromeda step down from the 
rock to which she was chained, to be devoured by the   
monster, which lies dead at left. From the House of    
the Dioscuri,Pompeii VI 9,6.   Inv.8998

Perseus frees Andromeda. Perseus, the head of the Medusa in his hand, help...

Zephyr (The Westwind) and Chlory, 4th style (62-79 CE) 
From the Casa del Navilgio, Pompeii VI 10,11           
Inv. 9202

Zephyr (The Westwind) and Chlory, 4th style (62-79 CE) From the Casa del Navilg...