

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Zephyr and Chlory, close-up of 10-04-03/36             
From the Casa del Naviglio, Pompeii VI 10,11           
Inv. 9202

Zephyr and Chlory, close-up of 10-04-03/36 From the Casa del Navigl...

Danae and the fishermen Inv.111212                     
67x63 cm from the Exedra,casa V,I,18,Pompeii           
After beeing abandoned at sea Danae was saved by two   
fishermen.She holds little Perseus in her arms.

Danae and the fishermen Inv.111212 67x63 cm from the Exedra...

Mykon and Perona - A young woman nurses her father,    
sentenced to die of starvation. Also called            
"Caritas Romana".                                      
Glazed terracotta, Egyptian manufacture  H: 28 cm      
From Pompeii.

Mykon and Perona - A young woman nurses her father, sentenced to die of star...

Dionysian scene and Erotes harvesting grapes;          
blue vase in double-layer glass, engraved in           
cameo-glass technique. 1st CE.                         
From a tomb on the Via dei Sepolchri, Pompeii.         

Dionysian scene and Erotes harvesting grapes; blue vase in double-laye...

Drunken Silenus on a lion skin, bronze.                
Roman copy from a Greek original 270-250 BCE           
From the Villa of the Pisoni, Herculaneum.             

Drunken Silenus on a lion skin, bronze. Roman copy from a Greek...

Roman copy of the Amazone by Phidias (5th BCE).        
From the Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum.             
Inv. 4889

Roman copy of the Amazone by Phidias (5th BCE). From the Villa of the Pa...

Ceremony of the cult of Isis; priests with typical     
fringed tunics holding sistra; a priest fans the flames
on a garlanded altar. Two sacred ibis-birds in the     
foreground. From Herculaneum.                          
Fourth style, 80 x 85 cm       Inv. 8924

Ceremony of the cult of Isis; priests with typical fringed tunics holding s...

The goddess Isis receives Io (with cow's horns)in      
Egypt. Io gives birth to Epaphos, son of Zeus. Epaphos 
becomes King in Egypt; from him descend the Royal      
houses of Egypt and Argos. From the Ekklesiasterion,   
the Isis Temple in Pompeii. Fourth style, 150 x 137 cm

The goddess Isis receives Io (with cow's horns)in Egypt. Io gives birth to...

Apollo and Omphale, mural of the 4th style,
House of the Vettii, Pompeii.
1st CE

Apollo and Omphale, mural of the 4th style, House of the Vettii, Pompeii. 1st CE

Pyramus and Thisbe, mural to the right of the          
nymphaeum, House of Loreius Tiburtinus, Pompeii.

Pyramus and Thisbe, mural to the right of the nymphaeum, House of Lore...

The judgement of Paris, from Antioch.                  

The judgement of Paris, from Antioch. Inv.3443

Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite,from Constantine,    
Algeria. Early 7th                                     

Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite,from Constantine, Algeria. Early 7th...