Niobide (daughter of Niobe), from the Sallustian Gard...
Young girl, Niobide (daughter of Niobe). Terracotta statuette, pa...
Young man, Niobid (son of Niobe). Terracotta statuette, pa...
Young girl, Niobide (daughter of Niobe). Terracotta statuette, pa...
Combat of Eteokles and Polynikes. Terracotta relief on a c...
King Priamos suppliant Achilles. Relief from a huge mauso...
Kleobis and Biton (twins) drawing the chariot of their priestess mothe...
Electra and Orestes. From the Ludovisi Collec...
Sleeping Erinnys. Sculptured head on a base of green brecc...
Tyche of Antioch with the River Orontes. Bronze figurine from Tortosa, Spain Rom...
Front of a sarcophagus: 9 of the 12 labours of Hercules From the left to right:...
Hercules and Omphale. Terracotta group, brown earth with black l...