

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Pollux. Fragment of a relief (1st CE)

Pollux. Fragment of a relief (1st CE)

Head of Oedipus.                                       
Detail of a relief on a                                
Roman mausoleum (2nd-3rd CE)                           
from Neumagen

Head of Oedipus. Detail of a relief on a...

The Judgement of Paris.                                
Relief on a mural decoration (time of Hadrian).        
Copy of a Hellenistic original.                        
Ludovisi Collection.                                   
Cat. 180

The Judgement of Paris. Relief on a mural decora...

Silenus offering at an altar.                          
Relief (2nd CE)

Silenus offering at an altar. Relief (2nd CE)

Scenes of a Dionysiac Thiasos.                         
Marble sarcopohagus from the sepulchre                 
of the Calpurnii Pisones, Via Salaria                  
(1st CE)

Scenes of a Dionysiac Thiasos. Marble sarcopohagus from...

Pan (the Great Pan).                                   
Gold statuette                                         
Roman imperial period                                  
Height 5.9 cm                                          
Inv. VII B 13

Pan (the Great Pan). Gold statuette...

God Pan dancing. Detail                                
of the marble sarcophagus on 10-05-01/53.              
From the sepulchre of the                              
Calpurnii Pisones, Via Salaria                         
(1st CE)

God Pan dancing. Detail of the marble sarcophagu...

Bearded triton with sea-bull.                          
Part of a frieze on a                                  
small Roman funeral altar                              
Sandstone (2nd CE)

Bearded triton with sea-bull. Part of a frieze on a...

Najade on a sea-bull.                                  
Detail of a Triton-frieze, upper part                  
of a small Roman funeral altar.                        
Sandstone (2nd CE)

Najade on a sea-bull. Detail of a Triton-friez...

Centaur. Detail of a relief with scenes of a Dionysiac 
thiasos on a marble sarcophagus from the sepulchre of  
the Calpurnii Pisones, Via Salaria (1st CE).

Centaur. Detail of a relief with scenes of a Dionysiac thiasos on a marble sarc...

Griffin. Bronze bracket of a vessel                    
from Basle, Switzerland.                               
Height 15.5 cm, length 17 cm                           
Br 1085

Griffin. Bronze bracket of a vessel from Basle, Switzerland....

Eagle-headed griffin. From the Noric city on Magdalens-
berg,Austria.The griffin belonged to a group which     
surrounded the Apollo statue 10-02-01/46. As in other  
such groups, the god rested his lyre on the bridge     
between the griffin's wings. Bronze, H: 40 cm Inv.324

Eagle-headed griffin. From the Noric city on Magdalens- berg,Austria.The griffin...