Pollux. Fragment of a relief (1st CE)
Head of Oedipus. Detail of a relief on a...
The Judgement of Paris. Relief on a mural decora...
Silenus offering at an altar. Relief (2nd CE)
Scenes of a Dionysiac Thiasos. Marble sarcopohagus from...
Pan (the Great Pan). Gold statuette...
God Pan dancing. Detail of the marble sarcophagu...
Bearded triton with sea-bull. Part of a frieze on a...
Najade on a sea-bull. Detail of a Triton-friez...
Centaur. Detail of a relief with scenes of a Dionysiac thiasos on a marble sarc...
Griffin. Bronze bracket of a vessel from Basle, Switzerland....
Eagle-headed griffin. From the Noric city on Magdalens- berg,Austria.The griffin...