Hercules fighting the lion. Cameo...
Satyr, Maenad, and Erotes. Cameo...
Head of Hercules. Cameo...
Aphrodite and Adonis. Sardonyx, 2 layers...
A dancing Satyr. Cameo...
Satyr and Pan. Cameo...
Icarus and Daedalus, Pasiphae, and Artemis. Cameo...
Mission of Athena (Zeus, Athena, and Hermes). Cameo (3rd-1st BCE)...
Hippolyte with a hunting companion,Phaedra with her nurse (right).Phaedra en...
Diana: Onyx-cameo. Necklace: gold. Sardonyx, 2 layers....
Niobe and four of her daughters playing dice. Encaustic on marble by A...
Woman painter and a bust of Bacchus. Wallpainting from Pompei...