Large silver bowl, dedicated by Q. Domitius Tutus, in the center a sleeping...
The death of Achilles. Oenochoe, dedicated by Q. Domitius...
Bronze balance with weight shaped like a Medusa's h...
A Maenad. Bronze bust, balance weight. Height 13.7 cm...
Satyr and nymph. Mosaic from Pompeii, Italy
Dionysiac scenes on the marble sarcophagus from the sep...
#100506 3
Perseus, King of Macedonia. Chalcedony (3rd BCE)
An Emperor (Caesar) as Hercules. Sardonyx, 12 layers (onl...
Apollo and Marsyas. Cameo (4th-1st BCE)...
Infancy of Dionysos. Cameo (4th-1st BCE)...
Dionysos and Ariadne. Sardonyx, 3 layers...
Dionysos in a carriage drawn by the "psychai". Cameo (4th BCE)....