

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Large silver bowl, dedicated by Q. Domitius Tutus,     
in the center a sleeping Omphale.

Large silver bowl, dedicated by Q. Domitius Tutus, in the center a sleeping...

The death of Achilles. Oenochoe,                       
dedicated by Q. Domitius Tutus,                        
with embossed scenes from the Ilias.                   

The death of Achilles. Oenochoe, dedicated by Q. Domitius...

Bronze balance with weight                             
shaped like a Medusa's head.                           
from Pompeii.

Bronze balance with weight shaped like a Medusa's h...

A Maenad. Bronze bust, balance weight.                 
Height 13.7 cm                                         
Inv. VI 1167

A Maenad. Bronze bust, balance weight. Height 13.7 cm...

Satyr and nymph. Mosaic                                
from Pompeii, Italy

Satyr and nymph. Mosaic from Pompeii, Italy

Dionysiac scenes on the marble                         
sarcophagus from the sepulchre                         
of the Calpurni Pisones,                               
Via Salaria, Rome.                                     
Cat. 84, Inv. 1303

Dionysiac scenes on the marble sarcophagus from the sep...

Perseus, King of Macedonia.                            
Chalcedony (3rd BCE)
#100506 3

Perseus, King of Macedonia. Chalcedony (3rd BCE)

An Emperor (Caesar) as Hercules.                       
Sardonyx, 12 layers (only 3 layers used),              
probably of the 3rd CE.                                
Height 8.5 cm                                          
Inv. IX A 48

An Emperor (Caesar) as Hercules. Sardonyx, 12 layers (onl...

Apollo and Marsyas.                                    
Cameo (4th-1st BCE)                                    
4 x 3.5 cm                                             
Inv. 26051

Apollo and Marsyas. Cameo (4th-1st BCE)...

Infancy of Dionysos.                                   
Cameo (4th-1st BCE)                                    
4 x 3.2 cm                                             
Inv. 25833

Infancy of Dionysos. Cameo (4th-1st BCE)...

Dionysos and Ariadne.                                  
Sardonyx, 3 layers                                     
Mount: gold, enamel (2nd half 17th)                    
Height 4.6 cm                                          
Inv. IX A 90

Dionysos and Ariadne. Sardonyx, 3 layers...

Dionysos in a carriage drawn by the "psychai".         
Cameo (4th BCE).                                       
4.2 x 3.3 cm                                           
Inv. 25840

Dionysos in a carriage drawn by the "psychai". Cameo (4th BCE)....