
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
Russian revolutionary poster (1917-23) - Workers fighting green monster strangling a factory. The poster says: "Death to worldwide Imperialism."

Russian revolutionary poster (1917-23) - Workers fighting green monster strangli...

Russian revolutionary poster (1917-23).

Russian revolutionary poster (1917-23).

Soviet poster: "Partisans beat the enemy without mercy."

Soviet poster: "Partisans beat the enemy without mercy." 1941

The celebrations following the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis (April 3, 1559), agreement marking the end of the 65-year (1494–1559) struggle between France and Spain for the control of Italy, leaving Habsburg Spain the dominant power there for the next 150 years. Sienese school; 15th century.
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The celebrations following the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis (April 3, 1559), agreem...

The Battle of Fleurus (July 1, 1690). It was a victory for the French army under Marshal Luxembourg against an allied army comprising Dutch, German, Spanish, and British troops under the German-Dutch Prince of Waldeck.
Canvas; 17th century.

The Battle of Fleurus (July 1, 1690). It was a victory for the French army under...

The Founding of Australia by Royal Navy Captain Arthur Phillip in Sydney Cove, January 26, 1788.
Canvas; 1937.

The Founding of Australia by Royal Navy Captain Arthur Phillip in Sydney Cove, J...

Battle of Balaklava (1854) and bombardment of Sebastopol (1854-55) during the Crimean War. Battle of Tel al-Kebir (1882), the decisive battle of the Urabi Revolt in Sudan.
Lithograph from a jubilee book of Queen Victoria, 19th century.

Battle of Balaklava (1854) and bombardment of Sebastopol (1854-55) during the Cr...

Marriage ceremony of Queen Victoria and Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in 1840 and family portrait with their children.
Lithograph from Her Majesty's glorious Jubilee, 1897. The record number of a record reign. Published by the proprietors of the Illustrated London News. Author: Sir Walter Besant. London; 1897.

Marriage ceremony of Queen Victoria and Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in 1840 and...

House of Commons in 1860 (above) and Lord Palmerston addressing the House of Lords on Irish Home Rule Bill (below).
Lithograph from Her Majesty's glorious Jubilee, 1897. The record number of a record reign. Published by the proprietors of the Illustrated London News. Author: Sir Walter Besant. London; 1897.

House of Commons in 1860 (above) and Lord Palmerston addressing the House of Lor...

"Staunch reformers - The cries of London 1831".
Etching relating to protests leading to the Refrom Act of 1834.

"Staunch reformers - The cries of London 1831". Etching relating to protests le...

Suffragettes being force-fed during a hunger strike in 1909.
Lithograph; 20th century.

Suffragettes being force-fed during a hunger strike in 1909. Lithograph; 20th c...

Gold panning in Australia.
Canvas; 19th cenutry.

Gold panning in Australia. Canvas; 19th cenutry.