History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.
Doctor prescribing medicine. From "Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus", whi...
Pumping engine for irrigation invented by George and William Chaffey. 19th-20th...
"Am I not a man and a brother - a voice from Great Britain to America 1834." Bro...
"This is the Lord's doing: it is marvellous in our eyes. Psalm 118, V.23." Bronz...
Ruins of the Ptolomean Library. From "Views in Egypt, Palestine and Other Parts...
View of the interior of the temple at Abu Simbel, Egypt. Opened in 1817 by Giov...
View of Luxor, Thebes showing the colonnade surrounding the courtyard of the Tem...
Bazaar of the street leading to the Mosque El-Mooristan, Cairo. From "The Holy L...
The Seine River as seen from the Place Dauphine (which is located on the Ile de...
La Chaussée du Pont-Neuf - Carriageway of Pont-Neuf. Canvas; 1777. As one can...
"Le Café du Caveau" (coffeehouse in the cellar) in the Palais-Royal. It is also...
Sennaya Square - Hay Square in St. Petersburg. Lithograph; 1822-1826. In 1737...