History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.
Assyrian warriors leading two horses. Detail of the Assyrian conquest...
Assyrian dignitary. Detail of the Assyrian conquest of the Jewish fortified...
A tower with defenders (see also 08-02-03/53). Detail of the Assyrian c...
2 Jewish captives with folded hands. Detail of the Assyrian conquest of...
Jewish prisoners with camel and baggage on their way into exile. Detail of th...
Jewish captives with camel and baggage on their way into exile. Detail of th...
King sitting on his throne, table with offerings, his son,...
Bull, gilded bronze votive offering ("the Bibles' "golden calf") from the templ...
Bull, gilded bronze votive offering ("the golden calf") from the temple of Baala...
Assyrian archers during the siege of Lachish, Israel. Stone bas-relief (7th BC...
Julia Soaemias,Syrian princess and mother of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius...
Jar which contained some of the Dead Sea-scrolls. From Qumran,Israel....