
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
Semitic inscription on the top of a foundation nail.   
Period of the Amorite Kingdoms (2004-1595 BCE).        
From Larsa, Babylon.                                   
Terracotta, 15,5 cm across.                            
AO 6445

Semitic inscription on the top of a foundation nail. Period of the Amorite Ki...

Island of Arvad (today Tyre), top center, on the       
Lebanese coast. Cedar wood transport for the building  
of a palace. Bas-relief from the Palace of King Sargon 
in Khorsabad, Mesopotamia (Iraq). Right panel, for con-
tinuation see 08-02-16/19,20 Gypseous alabaster.

Island of Arvad (today Tyre), top center, on the Lebanese coast. Cedar wo...

Island of Arvad (today Tyre), top right, on the        
Lebanese coast. Cedar wood transport for the building  
of a palace. Bas-relief from the Palace of King Sargon 
in Khorsbad, Mesopotamia (Iraq). Center panel, for     
continuation see 08-02-16/18,20 Gypseous alabaster.

Island of Arvad (today Tyre), top right, on the Lebanese coast. Cedar wo...

Transport of cedar wood for the construction of a      
palace. Bas-relief from the Palace of King Sargon II   
at Khorsabad, Mesopotamia (Iraq). For continuation     
see 08-02-16/18,19.                                    
AO 19989

Transport of cedar wood for the construction of a palace. Bas-relief from...

Bardavil Swamp.                                        
Probably where the Israelites crossed the              
Red Sea north of Kantara, Sinai, Egypt.
#080301 1

Bardavil Swamp. Probably where the Israe...

Bardavil Swamp.                                        
Probably where the Israelites crossed the              
Red Sea north of Kantara, Sinai, Egypt.
#080301 2

Bardavil Swamp. Probably where the Israe...

Desert of Midian with Mt. Sinai in background.         
Moses fled to Midian after killing the Egyptian        
Overseer. The route followes the old caravan           
courses, Sinai, Egypt.
#080301 3

Desert of Midian with Mt. Sinai in background. Moses fled to Midian aft...

Pharaoh's Bath. According to tradition the place       
where the Egyptians. in pursuit of the fleeing          
Israelites. crossed the Red Sea and drowned.            
A sulphur  spring on the coast of the Red Sea          
opposite the town of Suez, Sinai, Egypt.
#080301 4

Pharaoh's Bath. According to tradition the place where the Egyptians. in...

Oasis of Marah (Bitter Waters).                        
The Israelites rested here during Exodus.              
Almost dry today with only few surviving               
palm trees (Marah, Hebrew for "bitter"),               
Sinai, Egypt.
#080301 5

Oasis of Marah (Bitter Waters). The Israelites rested he...

Oasis of Marah (Bitter Waters).                        
The Israelites rested here during Exodus.              
Almost dry today with only few surviving               
palm trees (Marah, Hebrew for "bitter",                
Sinai, Egypt.
#080301 6

Oasis of Marah (Bitter Waters). The Israelites rested he...

The wilderness of Shur.                                
The Israelites passed through here on their            
way to Mount Sinai (East of Bitter Waters),            
Sinai, Egypt
#080301 7

The wilderness of Shur. The Israelites passed th...

The Sinai Desert, Egypt.                               
The Israelites passed                                  
here during the Exodus.
#080301 8

The Sinai Desert, Egypt. The Israelites passed...