History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.
Ink pot from the scriptorium in Qumran. Herodian/Hasmonaean (?)...
Breast plate (fragment) of 27 small, perforated bro...
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Bill of sale of a field and one house paid in silver...
Treaty concluded after the battle of Kadesh between Pharaoh Ramses II and th...
Bronze pyxis with nine shekels of Tyre minted between 13 BCE an...
Tetradrachm of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-163 BCE), Seleucidan king of Syria...
Tyrian shekels. One with a portrait, the other showing a bird. The coin...
Bronze coin of Alexander Jannaeus, Hasmonean king of Judah...
Bronze coin of Alexander Jannaeus, Hasmonean king of Judah...
Bronze coin of the Hasmonean ruler John Hyrcanus II (...
Two bronze coins. Left: coin of Antigonus (40-37 BCE), last Hasmonaean king of...
A symbolic plant and a palm tree on the recto-verso of a bronze coin with He...