
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
Ink pot from the scriptorium in Qumran.                
Herodian/Hasmonaean (?)                                
Size: 4.7 cm

Ink pot from the scriptorium in Qumran. Herodian/Hasmonaean (?)...

Breast plate (fragment) of                             
27 small, perforated bronze plates,                    
from a cave on the Dead Sea.                           
(132-145 CE) Bar Kochba Period

Breast plate (fragment) of 27 small, perforated bro...

Bill of sale of a field and                            
one house paid in silver.                              
Terracotta tablet with Sumerian writing                
(around 2550 BCE)                                      
AO 3766
#080511 3

Bill of sale of a field and one house paid in silver...

Treaty concluded after the battle of Kadesh between    
Pharaoh Ramses II and the Hittite King Muvatallish.    
Battle of Kadesh 1282 BCE, treaty probably 1272 BCE.   
Fragment of a terracotta tablet in Akkadian language,  
the diplomatic language of the 13th BCE.

Treaty concluded after the battle of Kadesh between Pharaoh Ramses II and th...

Bronze pyxis with nine shekels of Tyre                 
minted between 13 BCE and 65 CE,                       
used for temple taxes, fines etc.                      
and also three Hebrew shekels.

Bronze pyxis with nine shekels of Tyre minted between 13 BCE an...

Tetradrachm of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-163 BCE),   
Seleucidan king of Syria who, by his imposition of     
Greek law and customs in Judea, caused the Macabeean   
Revolt (167 BCE).

Tetradrachm of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-163 BCE), Seleucidan king of Syria...

Tyrian shekels. One with a portrait, the other         
showing a bird. The coinage of the shekels of          
Tyre began in 127 BCE and lasted until 66 CE.

Tyrian shekels. One with a portrait, the other showing a bird. The coin...

Bronze coin of Alexander Jannaeus,                     
Hasmonean king of Judah (103-76 BCE),                  
with Hebrew and Greek inscriptions.

Bronze coin of Alexander Jannaeus, Hasmonean king of Judah...

Bronze coin of Alexander Jannaeus,                     
Hasmonean king of Judah (103-76 BCE),                  
with symbols and Hebrew inscription.

Bronze coin of Alexander Jannaeus, Hasmonean king of Judah...

Bronze coin of the Hasmonean                           
ruler John Hyrcanus II (67-40 BCE).                    
The Hebrew incription mentions the                     
ruler with the epithet High Priest.                    
Reifenberg Collection

Bronze coin of the Hasmonean ruler John Hyrcanus II (...

Two bronze coins. Left: coin of Antigonus (40-37 BCE), 
last Hasmonaean king of Judah, shows a menorah.        
Right, inscription in the wreath: Period of John       
Hyrcanus II (High Priest, 67-40 BCE).                  
Size: 1.5 cm diameter. Reifenberg Collection

Two bronze coins. Left: coin of Antigonus (40-37 BCE), last Hasmonaean king of...

A symbolic plant and a palm tree on the recto-verso    
of a bronze coin with Hebrew inscription, issued by    
Simon Bar Kochba, leader of the Second Jewish Revolt   
against the Romans, under the Roman Emperor Hadrian    
(132-135 CE).

A symbolic plant and a palm tree on the recto-verso of a bronze coin with He...