
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
A grape and a palm tree on the recto and verso of      
a bronze coin with Hebrew inscription, issued by       
Simon Bar Kochba, leader of the Second Jewish Revolt   
against the Romans, under the Roman Emperor Hadrian    
(132-135 CE).

A grape and a palm tree on the recto and verso of a bronze coin with Hebre...

A jug with a symbolic plant and a temple on the recto  
and verso of a silver coin (tetradrachm) with Hebrew   
inscription, issued by Simon Bar Kochba, leader of the 
Second Jewish Revolt against the Romans, under the     
Roman Emperor Hadrian (132-135 CE).

A jug with a symbolic plant and a temple on the recto and verso of a silver co...

A lyre and Hebrew inscription on a bronze coin         
issued by Simon Bar Kochba, leader of the Second       
Jewish Revolt against the Romans, under the Roman      
Emperor Hadrian (132-135 CE).                          
Reifenberg Collection

A lyre and Hebrew inscription on a bronze coin issued by Simon Bar Koch...

A bird's eye view of Ostia Harbour with                
galleys and boats and Latin inscription.               
Verso of a bronze sestertius.                          
Period of Roman Emperor Nero (54-68 CE)                
Diameter 35 mm

A bird's eye view of Ostia Harbour with galleys and boats and La...

Roman Emperor Nero (54-68 CE)                          
Latin inscription.                                     
Bust on the recto of a silver coin.

Roman Emperor Nero (54-68 CE) Latin inscription....

Roman Emperor Galba (68-69 CE).                        
Bust and a Latin inscription on                        
the recto of a silver coin.

Roman Emperor Galba (68-69 CE). Bust and a Latin inscrip...

Assyrian archers during the siege of Lachish, Israel.  
Stone bas-relief from the palace of Ashurbanipal in    
Niniveh, Iraq

Assyrian archers during the siege of Lachish, Israel. Stone bas-relief from th...

A menorah, the seven-armed chandelier used during the  
Hanukkah Festival, celebrated in memory of the         
rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after the      
Maccabeean revolt in 164 BCE. Bronze coin issued under 
Antigonos II, last Hasmonean king, executed in 37 BCE.

A menorah, the seven-armed chandelier used during the Hanukkah Festival, cele...

Brick with stamp of the Roman Legion                   
"Legio Fretensis" which took part in                   
the destruction of Jerusalem, Israel.

Brick with stamp of the Roman Legion "Legio Fretensis" which...

Jacob's Well, Nablus, Israel. Here Jacob watered
his herds, according to Jewish and Arab tradition.

Jacob's Well, Nablus, Israel. Here Jacob watered his herds, according to Jewish...

Er Ram - probably the biblical Ramah, Israel, where    
the prophet Samuel is said to have sat in judgement.   
According to Jewish tradition, the site of the Muslim  
Shrine at Er Ram was the burial place of Samuel.

Er Ram - probably the biblical Ramah, Israel, where the prophet Samuel is sa...

Er Ram - probably the biblical Ramah, Israel, where    
the prophet Samuel is said to have sat in judgement.   
According to Jewish tradition, the site of the Muslim  
Shrine at Er Ram was the burial place of Samuel.

Er Ram - probably the biblical Ramah, Israel, where the prophet Samuel is sa...