
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
The Wailing Wall (Western Wall) of the Temple          
in Jerusalem, built by King Herod the Great.           
The remnants of an arch, known as "Robinson's          
Arch", can be seen in the right upper part.

The Wailing Wall (Western Wall) of the Temple in Jerusalem, built by K...

The Dome of the Rock, interior. The rock in the centre
of the Mosque marks the spot, according to Jewish
tradition, where God prevented Abraham from sacrificing
his son Isaac. In Muslim tradition, this is the place
from where the Prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven.

The Dome of the Rock, interior. The rock in the centre of the Mosque marks the s...

The Dome of the Rock, interior. The rock in the centre
of the Mosque marks the spot, according to Jewish
tradition, where God prevented Abraham from sacrificing
his son Isaac. In Muslim tradition, this is the place
from where the Prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven.

The Dome of the Rock, interior. The rock in the centre of the Mosque marks the s...

Mount Nebo, from where Moses is said to have           
seen the promised land.
#080514 1

Mount Nebo, from where Moses is said to have seen the promised land.

So-called "Well of Moses" - certainly not the well     
from which he drew water from a rock of Mount Horeb,   
but Wadi Ain Musa might be the place where Moses was   
#080514 2

So-called "Well of Moses" - certainly not the well from which he drew water...

Dhibon,Jordan. A rampart of a Moabite fortification,   
9th BCE, built either by the Israelite king Omri, or   
by the Moabite ruler Mesha who conquered the place.    
See king Mesha's victory stele 08-05-06/13,            
#080514 4

Dhibon,Jordan. A rampart of a Moabite fortification, 9th BCE, built either by...

Wadi el-Mujib, Jordan. In biblical times the deep      
valley of the Arnon or Gad formed a natural frontier   
between the Amorite,later the Israelite kingdoms in    
the North and the kingdom of Moab in the South.
#080514 5

Wadi el-Mujib, Jordan. In biblical times the deep valley of the Arnon or G...

The late-Roman temple of er-Rabba - an abandoned       
city dating from biblical times and inhabited until    
the Mamluk period (13th-15th CE). Inscriptions on the  
temple walls honour Emperors Diocletian and Maximian   
(286-305 CE).

The late-Roman temple of er-Rabba - an abandoned city dating from biblica...

The Roman fort of Um er-Rassas was the base of a       
cavalry regiment stationed at the edge of the desert   
in Mefaa.

The Roman fort of Um er-Rassas was the base of a cavalry regiment station...

The late-Roman temple of er-Rabba - an abandoned       
city dating from biblical times and inhabited until    
the Mamluk period (13th-15th CE). Inscriptions on the  
temple walls honour Emperors Diokletian and Maximian   
(286-305 CE).

The late-Roman temple of er-Rabba - an abandoned city dating from biblica...

The Roman fort of Um er-Rassas was the base for a      
cavalry regiment stationed at the edge of the desert   
in Mefaa.

The Roman fort of Um er-Rassas was the base for a cavalry regiment station...

The Roman fort of Um er-Rassas was the base for a      
cavalry regiment stationed at the edge of the desert   
in Mefaa,Jordan

The Roman fort of Um er-Rassas was the base for a cavalry regiment station...