History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.
The Golden Chapel of Karlstejn Castle, built by Emperor Charles...
The Golden Chapel of Karlstejn Castle, built by Emperor Charles...
"Ottheinrichsbau", the Renaissance wing of Heidelberg Castle, built by elector...
"Ottheinrichsbau", the Renaissance wing of Heidelberg Castle, built by elector...
Vaux-le-Vicomte, "chambre du roi", the bedroom reserved for visits by king Louis...
Vaux-le-Vicomte, portrait bust of Louis XIV in the king's bedroom. M...
Ceiling of the "Kaisersaal", the Emperor's Hall, Wuerzburg Episcopal Resi...
The Opocno Palace (1567), Opocno, Czech Republic. Originally, it belonged...
The assembly of the gods accepting Emperor Karl Albrecht amongst them an...
Great Gallery with ceiling fresco depicting allegories of War, the Arts, Scienc...
Great Gallery with ceiling fresco depicting allegories of War, the Arts, Scienc...
The room in Schoenbrunn palace which Napoleon used during the occupation of Vie...