
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
Study of Ludwig II with a portrait of Ludwig XIV.      
Herrenchiemsee Palace, built 1879-1881 by order        
of Ludwig II of Bavaria in homage to Ludwig XIV on     
Herrenchiemsee Island in Chiemsee Lake, Bavaria.

Study of Ludwig II with a portrait of Ludwig XIV. Herrenchiemsee Palace, b...

Sanssouci Palace, King Frederic II of Prussia's        
country seat. The ceiling of the library with an       
ornamental sun in the centre, ornaments on pale green  
ground which repeat the design of the intarsia floor.
#140204 6

Sanssouci Palace, King Frederic II of Prussia's country seat. The ceilin...

Study and bedroom of King Frederic II of Prussia.      
Huge columns support the ceiling.                      
King Friedrich II died in the armchair                 
in this room August 17, 1786.
#140204 7

Study and bedroom of King Frederic II of Prussia. Huge columns support the...

Monument for the dead of the 1813-1814 "War of Liber-  
ation" against Napoleon, in Berlin-Spandau. 12 lances  
form a cone-shaped lattice. Four shields with helmets  
and the names of the war-dead. A grenade atop the monu-
ment in memory of the storming of Spandau fortress.

Monument for the dead of the 1813-1814 "War of Liber- ation" against Napoleon,...

Portrait of King Friedrich II of Prussia 24.1.1712-17.8. 1786), 1753.        The King wears the Order of the Black Eagle, created   
in 1701 by Friedrich I, the King's grandfather.
#140205 1

Portrait of King Friedrich II of Prussia 24.1.1712-17.8. 1786), 1753. The...

Portrait of King Friedrich II of Prussia, 1763.        
The King wears the Order of the Black Eagle, created   
in 1701 by Friedrich I, the King's grandfather.
#140205 2

Portrait of King Friedrich II of Prussia, 1763. The King wears the Order...

Charlottenhof Palace, Sanssouci Gardens. One of        
the two niches in the dining room. Red courtain        
and starry sky by Schinkel, reminiscent of his         
stage sets for Mozart's Magic Flute. Classicist        
statue of King David (1826-1829).

Charlottenhof Palace, Sanssouci Gardens. One of the two niches in the di...

Equestrian statue of Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia,     
the "Grosse Kurfuerst" (Great Elector), founder of     
Prussian absolutism (1620-1688). Around the base       
four prisoners.                                        
Bronze (1697)

Equestrian statue of Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia, the "Grosse Kurfuerst" (...

Murals in the Great Hall of Troja Palace, Prague,      
show the Imperial victory over the Turks. Back wall:   
Emperor Leopold I (1640-1705) in triumphal procession. 
Next to the fireplace: a Turkish prisoner              
Frescos by F. and G. Marchetti.

Murals in the Great Hall of Troja Palace, Prague, show the Imperial victor...

Ceiling fresco in the Great Hall of Troja Palace., Prague.     
Emperor Leopold I's victory over the Turks during      
the Turkish War (1683-1699). Troja was built as a      
summer residence for the Counts Sternberg (1679-1685). 
Frescos by F. and G. Marchetti

Ceiling fresco in the Great Hall of Troja Palace., Prague. Emperor Leopold...

Ceiling fresco and rear wall with frescos of the       
Great Hall of Troja Palace. Emperor Leopold I's        
victory over the Turks during the Turkish War.         
Troja was built as a summer residence for the          
Counts Sternberg. Frescos by F. and G. Marchetti

Ceiling fresco and rear wall with frescos of the Great Hall of Troja Pala...

Detail from mural in the Great Hall of Troja Palace.   
Emperor Leopold I, after his victory over the Turks,   
drawn in a triumphal procession by Turkish prisoners   
Frescos painted by F. and G. Marchetti

Detail from mural in the Great Hall of Troja Palace. Emperor Leopold I, after...