
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
Plaza Mayor,Salamanca.The square was built for the city
by King Philip V in gratitude for its support in the   
War of Succession.

Plaza Mayor,Salamanca.The square was built for the city by King Philip V in grat...

Plaza Mayor,Madrid.In the center the equestrian statue 
of King Philipp (Felipe) III (1598-1621).

Plaza Mayor,Madrid.In the center the equestrian statue of King Philipp (Felipe)...

The Queen's bedroom in the Palacio Real in Aranjuez.

The Queen's bedroom in the Palacio Real in Aranjuez.

The "Salon of the Ambassadors" in the Bourbon          
wings of the Escorial.

The "Salon of the Ambassadors" in the Bourbon wings of the Escorial.

The Pompeiian Room in the Bourbon wings of the         

The Pompeiian Room in the Bourbon wings of the Escorial.

Valle de los Caidos, center nave of the basilica.      
A monument to Spanish heroes and saints and to the     
dead of the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939.In the crypt  
lie the remains of 40.000 soldiers from both sides,    
Fascist and Republican.

Valle de los Caidos, center nave of the basilica. A monument to Spanish he...

Rossauerkaserne - Rossau-barracks, Vienna. After the
revolt of 1848, particularly violent in Vienna, the
government and Emperor Franz-Joseph felt the need for
several fortress-like barracks against further uprisings
of the unruly Viennese. 1865-1870
#140401 1

Rossauerkaserne - Rossau-barracks, Vienna. After the revolt of 1848, particular...

Rossauerkaserne - Rossau-barracks, Vienna. After the
revolt of 1848, particularly violent in Vienna, the
government and Emperor Franz-Joseph felt the need for
fortress-like barracks against further uprisings
of the unruly Viennese. 1865-1870
#140401 2

Rossauerkaserne - Rossau-barracks, Vienna. After the revolt of 1848, particular...

Rossauerkaserne - Rossau-barracks, Vienna. After the
revolt of 1848, particularly violent in Vienna, the
government and Emperor Franz-Joseph felt the need for
fortress-like barracks against further uprisings
of the unruly Viennese. 1865-1870
#140401 3

Rossauerkaserne - Rossau-barracks, Vienna. After the revolt of 1848, particular...

"Burgtor", the last of Vienna's city-gates.            
The retreating troops of Napoleon Ist blew up the      
city gate of 1660. The new gate was built in 1821,     
in memory of the battle of Leipzig in October 1813,    
Napoleon's final defeat.

"Burgtor", the last of Vienna's city-gates. The retreating troops of...

"Burgtor", the last of Vienna's city-gates.            
The retreating troops of Napoleon Ist blew up the      
city gate of 1660. The new gate was built in 1821,     
in memory of the battle of Leipzig in October 1813,    
Napoleon's final defeat.

"Burgtor", the last of Vienna's city-gates. The retreating troops of...

Ernst Ruediger Count Starhemberg (1638-1701),          
Imperial fieldmarshal, defender of Vienna during       
the Turkish siege of 1683. Statue in the ceremonial    
hall of Vienna's city hall.

Ernst Ruediger Count Starhemberg (1638-1701), Imperial fieldmarshal, d...