
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
Mayor of Vienna Johann Andreas von Liebenberg          
(1627-1683), mayor during the siege of Vienna          
1683. Statue in the ceremonial hall of Vienna's        
cuty hall.

Mayor of Vienna Johann Andreas von Liebenberg (1627-1683), mayor durin...

Duke Rudolf IV Habsburg (1339-1365).Relief on the      
fassade of the tower of Vienna's city hall, 1872-1883  
Relief by Josef Gasser.

Duke Rudolf IV Habsburg (1339-1365).Relief on the fassade of the tower of...

King Rudolf I (1218-1291), first of the Habsburg       
dynasty to be elected King of the Roman Empire of      
German nation (1273). Relief by Carl Kundmann.

King Rudolf I (1218-1291), first of the Habsburg dynasty to be elected Ki...

Emperor Franz-Joseph (1830-1916) on horseback.         
Relief from the fassade of the tower of Vienna's       
city hall.

Emperor Franz-Joseph (1830-1916) on horseback. Relief from the fassade...

St.Etienne du Mont, pulpit by sculptor G. Pilon, 1651.
Holding the pulpit is Samson with a donkey's jawbone;
Figures after drawings by Laurent de La Hyre are
Prudence, Justice, Temperance, Strength and Charity.
A blessing Christ in the background.
#140402 5

St.Etienne du Mont, pulpit by sculptor G. Pilon, 1651. Holding the pulpit is Sam...

The Arc de Triomphe,Paris. Planned under Napoleon I,   
completed under King Louis Philippe, 1836.             
Relief on the right: the "Marseillaise" (departure     
of the volunteers in 1792) by Francois Rude.

The Arc de Triomphe,Paris. Planned under Napoleon I, completed under King Lou...

Cast-iron, neo-gothic monument to the Wars of          
Liberation against Napoleon. Churchyard of             
Grossbeeren, 1817.

Cast-iron, neo-gothic monument to the Wars of Liberation against Napol...

Monument to Queen Louise of Prussia, 1811, Gransee.    
Queen Louise (1776-1810),wife of king Friedrich        
Wilhelm III, was extremely popular, because of her     
curageous stand against Napoleon. Gransee was the place
where her coffin rested on its way to Charlottenhof.

Monument to Queen Louise of Prussia, 1811, Gransee. Queen Louise (1776-1810)...

Humboldt family grave site in Tegel, Berlin.           
Column and bench by Schinkel, statue "Hope"            
by Bertel Thorwaldsen.

Humboldt family grave site in Tegel, Berlin. Column and bench by Schi...

Schloss Tegel, a country seat built for the Humboldt   
family, the brothers Alexander and Wilhelm, both       
scientists and reformist Prussian politicians.         
Tegel is now part of Berlin.

Schloss Tegel, a country seat built for the Humboldt family, the brothers Ale...

Schloss Tegel, a country seat built for the Humboldt   
family, the brothers Alexander and Wilhelm, both       
scientists and reformist Prussian politicians.         
Tegel is now part of Berlin.

Schloss Tegel, a country seat built for the Humboldt family, the brothers Ale...

Base of the statue of general Scharnhorst, hero        
of Prussia's resistance against Napoleon. Pallas       
Athene dictates the history of the war.                
The Scharnhorst monument stands in front of Schinkel's 
"Neue Wache" guard-house.

Base of the statue of general Scharnhorst, hero of Prussia's resistance...