History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.
Mayor of Vienna Johann Andreas von Liebenberg (1627-1683), mayor durin...
Duke Rudolf IV Habsburg (1339-1365).Relief on the fassade of the tower of...
King Rudolf I (1218-1291), first of the Habsburg dynasty to be elected Ki...
Emperor Franz-Joseph (1830-1916) on horseback. Relief from the fassade...
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St.Etienne du Mont, pulpit by sculptor G. Pilon, 1651. Holding the pulpit is Sam...
The Arc de Triomphe,Paris. Planned under Napoleon I, completed under King Lou...
Cast-iron, neo-gothic monument to the Wars of Liberation against Napol...
Monument to Queen Louise of Prussia, 1811, Gransee. Queen Louise (1776-1810)...
Humboldt family grave site in Tegel, Berlin. Column and bench by Schi...
Schloss Tegel, a country seat built for the Humboldt family, the brothers Ale...
Schloss Tegel, a country seat built for the Humboldt family, the brothers Ale...
Base of the statue of general Scharnhorst, hero of Prussia's resistance...