Bayreuth Operahouse, view towards the stage. Built as a court theatre...
Stage of Bayreuth Operahouse, built as the Margrave's court theater by J. Sain...
Neues Schloss Bayreuth, detail of the facade (1754), built for the Margravine...
Neues Schloss Bayreuth, detail of the facade (1754), built for Margravine Wil...
Neues Schloss, part of the facade (1754), built for Margravine Wilhelmin...
The Emperor's Hall "Kaisersaal", Wuerzburg Residence. The ceiling fresco shows...
Detail from the ceiling fresco, Emperor's Hall (1752) "Kaisersaal", Wuerzburg...
Beatrix, bride of Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa, riding Apollo's sun char...
Baroque Chapel with remaining Gothic vaulting. King George III of Hanno...
Osnabrueck Castle, courtyard. Osnabrueck was the residence of George I of...
Osnabruck Castle, courtyard. Osnabrueck was the residence of George I of...
Belevedere Palace (1714-1723), the summer residence of Prince Eugen of Savoy...