The Ishtar Gate, main gate of Babylon built during the reign of Nebuchadnez...
Procession of archers with twisted headbands. Life-size archers (515 BCE) from...
Procession of archers. Life-size archers (515 BCE) from the palace of Dareios...
Procession of archers. Life-size archers (515 BCE) from the palace of Dareios...
A lion (515 BCE) from the processional road to the Ishtar Gate (522-486 BCE),Ba...
Procession of archers,glazed tiles,H:200 cm Detail...
Procession of Archers. Detail of two life-size archers (515 BCE) from the palace...
An archer. Detail of the procession of archers from the palace of king Darius t...
An archer. Detail of the procession of archers from the palace of king Darius t...
An archer. Detail from the procession of archers (515 BCE), from the palace of...
Bull. Enameled tile and ceramic brick. Detail from the Ishtar G...
Bull. Enameled tile and ceramic brick. Detail from the Ishtar G...