

1 subcategory


565 photos
Noah picking grapes from his vines.                    
Detail (close-up) of 15-01-01/17                       
Enamel plaque, champleve (ca. 1160)

Noah picking grapes from his vines. Detail (close-up) of 15-...

Noah picking grapes from his vines.                    
Enamel plaque, champleve (ca. 1160)

Noah picking grapes from his vines. Enamel plaque, champleve...

Adam digging, Eve spinning.                            
Stone relief from Paris                                
(mid 13th)

Adam digging, Eve spinning. Stone relief from Paris...

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted    
by Pol de Limbourg in 1409 and finished 70 years later 
by Jean Colombe.                                       
March:A farmer tills his field below the castle        
of Lusignan,a favourite residence of the Duc de Berry.

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted by Pol de Limbourg in 14...

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted    
by Pol de Limbourg in 1409 and finished 70 years later 
by Jean Colombe.                                       
June:Hay-harvest below the palace and the              
Sainte Chapelle, Paris.

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted by Pol de Limbourg in 14...

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted    
by Pol de Limbourg in 1409 and finished 70 years later 
by Jean Colombe.                                       
July:Castle Poitiers, which the Duke rebuilt;          
sheep-shearing and harvesting corn with sickles.

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted by Pol de Limbourg in 14...

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted    
by Pol de Limbourg in 1409 and finished 70 years later 
by Jean Colombe.                                       
August:Castle d'Etampes;harvesting;bathing in a        
pond;ladies and gentlemen ride to a falcon-hunt.

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted by Pol de Limbourg in 14...

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted    
by Pol de Limbourg in 1409 and finished 70 years later 
by Jean Colombe.                                       
September:Saumur castle; vinters harvest the           
famous Saumur grapes.

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted by Pol de Limbourg in 14...

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted    
by Pol de Limbourg in 1409 and finished 70 years later 
by Jean Colombe.                                       
October:Louvre palace during the reign of king         
Charles V; sowing; the Seine-river in the background.

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted by Pol de Limbourg in 14...

The Chronicle of the Months, an early                  
Carolingian manuscript. The illustration               
shows the labours of each month.                       
From the abbey of St. Peter in Salzburg.               
Codex 387, folio 90 verso

The Chronicle of the Months, an early Carolingian manuscript....

The four seasons. "Les secrets des secrets",           
from Touraine, France (around 1490).                   
Nouvelles acquisitions francaises 18145, folio 50

The four seasons. "Les secrets des secrets", from Touraine, France (a...

The labours of the months: sowing in August. Leopard   
with the arms of Louis de Laval (adviser to Loius XI). 
Cain killing Abel. From the Hours of Louis de Laval,   
illuminated by Jean de Colombe. Bourges (1469-1489)    
MS Latin 920, folio 12.

The labours of the months: sowing in August. Leopard with the arms of Louis d...