A farmer working with an axe. Breviary with calendar,...
Le Livre des simples medecines - translation into French from the 12th cen...
Le Livre des simples medecines - translation into French from the 12th cen...
#150301 2
Noah's sons planting vines. Mosaic (12th)
Noah's sons picking grapes. Detail from the Story of...
The signs of the Zodiac from the mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, s...
The signs of the Zodiac from the mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, s...
The signs of the Zodiac from the mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, s...
The signs of the Zodiac from the mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, s...
A "farinier", a granary of Cluny Abbey. The Abbey was founded in 910 and,...
Old windmill, typical for Northern Germany, outside the City of Moel...
Old house and windmill. Wewelsfleth, Wilstermars...