Politicians and Statesmen, Painters' Portraits and Self-Portraits, Scientists, Rulers, Emperors and Kings, Musicians and Composers, Writers and Poets.
Official Maja, wearing the order "Gold of Courage", served under Pharaoh Tut...
Amenhatep-User, the Pharaoh's "Guardian of the Horizon" and his wife Uadju. In r...
Pharaoh Horemheb, then still a general, takes part in the funeral processio...
Pharaoh Amenophis I (1533-1512) and Queen Ahames-Nefertari as patr...
So-called "intercourse-figures" to maintain and increase male and female...
Funeral-portrait of Aline, from Hawara, Fayum Osasi...
Funeral-portraits of the children of Aline (see 08-01-10/68),...
Funeral-portrait of the son of Aline (see 08-01-10/68 and /69...
#080111 2
Head of a colossal statue of Pharaoh Ramses II. Facade of the Great Temple at A...
#080111 3
Head of a colossal statue of Pharaoh Ramses II. Facade of the Great Temple at A...
#080111 4
Colossal statue of Queen Nefertari, wife of Ramses II, between two butresses on...
First pylon, pylon of Ramses II, Temple of Amun, Luxor, Egypt. In front of the p...